AbeBooks has compiled a list of the most collectable books published between 2000 and 2009. Classify these books as hyper modern first editions. It usually takes a long time, sometimes decades, for a book’s value to be determined but these treasures became collectable in a hurry.
Some became desirable on a wave of popularity (Harry Potter, Da Vinci Code), others were propelled toward greatness after winning awards (Life of Pi, The Gathering), some were acclaimed by literary critics (Human Stain, Gilead), others were initially self-published (Eragon, Highfield Mole) and several emerged from the rough and tumble of politics (My Life, Audacity of Hope). Step back and enjoy the most collectable books of the decade.
Collectable books published in 2000-2009
Signed copies of Wolf Hall were in demand before Hilary Mantel won the 2009 Man Booker Prize. This historical novel was AbeBooks’ bestselling signed book in October 2009 and signed first editions have been selling steadily since. Abe’s most expensive sale was a signed first that went for £525.
This novel was in its 104th printing when AbeBooks sold a signed first edition for £2,570 in May 2006 as the movie version was being released – it was the highest price ever paid for a copy of this bestselling thriller. Signed copies are treasured as Brown’s touring days are over.
Published in 2005, this is a novel about a drug deal in the desert and it was quickly turned into an excellent movie. Signed first editions sell for around £482 to £600. A numbered deluxe edition, limited to 75 copies, sold for £2,712 on AbeBooks.
Published in 2001, the Canadian Alfred A Knopf editions are ones that matter. This novel won the 2002 Man Booker Prize and achieved a remarkable combination of global popularity and critical acclaim. Most expensive copy sold on AbeBooks went for £2,240.
Who needs reviews and critical acclaim when word of mouth can deliver bestseller status? Published in 2003 with a small initial print run, first editions are treasured by fans of Hosseini’s writing. The most expensive copy sold on AbeBooks was snapped up for £1,655.
Published in 2006, The Audacity of Hope does not compare to 1996’s Dreams From My Father in terms of collectability but it remains popular with fans of the president. Three copies were sold for £1,500 during the first six months of Obama’s presidency – all signed first editions.
Self-published in 2005 by two British authors who quit their jobs to become full-time authors, this book was hailed as the next Harry Potter and quickly snapped up by a mainstream publisher. The most expensive copy sold on AbeBooks went for £1,285.
Tolkien may have died in 1973 but his estate keeps churning out books for the diehard fans. Collectors want books signed by Christopher Tolkien, who edited Children of Hurin, and Alan Lee, who illustrated the book. Top Abe selling price - £1,055 for a deluxe edition signed by Lee.
Meyer, a Mormon mum from Utah, hasn’t signed many books since becoming a literary superstar. A full set of her Twilight series, all signed firsts, has sold for £2,410 on AbeBooks. Signed first editions of Twilight from 2005 now have four-figure price-tags. A signed first edition of New Moon has sold for £995 on Abe.
The original edition – there are only seven handmade copies. Our sister company, Amazon, purchased the only one available for £1,950,000 in a charity auction in 2007. Bound in brown Moroccan leather, the books are embellished with silver ornaments and mounted moonstones. AbeBooks sold a signed collector’s edition (limited to 100 copies) for £3,600
Published in 2001, this was Franzen’s third novel. Oprah’s Book Club loved it (although Franzen refused to go the show) and so did the high-end literary critics. It won the 2001 National Book Award for Fiction. A signed first edition has sold for £220 on AbeBooks.