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Secret Knowledge: Rediscovering the lost techniques of the Old Masters - Softcover

9780500600207: Secret Knowledge: Rediscovering the lost techniques of the Old Masters

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Secret Knowledge created an international sensation when it was published in 2001. David Hockneys enthralling story of how some of the great works of Western art were created with the help of mirrors and lenses and how the optical look came to dominate painting attracted major media attention around the world and generated intense debate in the fields of science and art history. Stunning in its presentation and wide-ranging in its implications, Secret Knowledge remains the art book sensation of the century.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.


David Hockney's brilliant Secret Knowledge is the fruit of his practical and historical investigation into how artists from the 15th century onward produced such vividly realistic drawings and paintings. Hockney's conclusions are simple but devastating. He argues that, "from the early 15th century many Western artists used optics--by which I mean mirrors and lenses (or a combination of the two)--to create living projections". The results are extraordinary. Secret Knowledge carefully explains how Masaccio, Van Eyck, Holbein, Caravaggio, Vermeer and Ingres all used optical aids, as it carefully takes apart the paintings and recreates the instruments and techniques used by artists from as early as the 1430s.

Hockney concedes that his opinions have been attacked by the mainstream art world that has complained that "for an artist to use optical aids would be 'cheating'; that somehow I was attacking the idea of innate genius". As a practising artist himself, his response is persuasive: "optics would have given artists a new tool with which to make images that were more immediate, and more powerful". Hockney concludes that this does not "diminish their achievements. For me, it makes them all the more astounding". Hockney's evidence is compelling and convincing, and brilliantly conveyed in this beautiful book, complete with details, foldouts and over 400 illustrations in sumptuous colour. Secret Knowledge also contains a collection of primary evidence detailing artist's use of optical devices, and Hockney's correspondence on the subject over the last two years. This book will revolutionise how we look at the art of the past. As Hockney himself suggests, "exciting times are ahead". --Jerry Brotton


`You will refer back to these precious books again and again'

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherThames & Hudson
  • Publication date2009
  • ISBN 10 0500600201
  • ISBN 13 9780500600207
  • BindingPaperback
  • Number of pages328

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