Items related to Competent Crew: An Introduction to Practical Sailing

Competent Crew: An Introduction to Practical Sailing - Softcover

9780229118939: Competent Crew: An Introduction to Practical Sailing
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This volume covers both the shorebased and the practical aspects of the RYA Competent Crew course. It explains all aspects of boatwork including: sail trimming and sail handling; understanding the compass and sailing a course; introduction to meteorology; anchoring and mooring; ropework; handling safety equipment; emergency procedures; and simple collision rules.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.


'Written concisely and to the point and is generously illustrated with colourful photographs and diagrams illustrating topics'
-- Lymington Times, July 3, 2008

About the Author

Both qualified RYA instructors, Pat Langley-Price and Philip Ouvry write with years of practical experience. Pat accumulated thousands of miles during yacht deliveries and as a sailing instructor, and Philip was an Examining Officer of naval yacht skippers and spent 20 years in the Royal Navy.

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherAdlard Coles Nautical
  • Publication date1991
  • ISBN 10 0229118933
  • ISBN 13 9780229118939
  • BindingPaperback
  • Edition number2
  • Number of pages208

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