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7 in. x 10 in., x, 401 pp., with 20 in-text illustrations (drawings, charts). Light brown, textured cloth with titling in black on spine & front cover, (binder's name stamped on back cover: Hubel X Denck, Leipzig Kgl. Bayr. Hofbuchbinderei) olive green endpapers, all edges stained dark green. Cover edges/corners show light wear, light spotting to cover surfaces. This copy is from the working library of Theobald Smith, who has signed and dated the upper right of the front endpaper: Theobald Smith Nov. '09, and also added his intials on the upper right corner of the titlepage: T.S; on page 73, he has pencilled this in English: "}was it pure, filtered?", against this German passage (regarding tuberculosis in cattle): Impft man das Virus der Lungenseuche, einer beim Rind vorkommenden epidemisch auftretenden Erkrankung, jungen Rindern unter die Haut ein, so tritt eine entzuendliche Affecktion nur an den Serosen auf: die Synovialmembranen der Gelenke und Sehnen sind geschwollen und schmerzhaft, so dass bei den Tieren ein Krankheitsbild zustande kommt, das einem generalisierten Gelenkrheumatismus aehnelt. Manchmal finden sich sogar die Wirbelgelenke von der Entzuendung ergriffen. Die seroesen Hoehlen sind mit trueber Flussigkeit erfuellt, deren Waende mit Pseudomembranen bedeckt-alle uebrigen Organe bleiben normal."; at p. 206 he has added two arrows indicating that he believes that the titles under the two illustrations (Fig. 5 & Fig. 6) are reversed. He has also inserted a 5 in. x 3 in slip of paper, on which he was written out this quotation: Lives of great men oft remind us [line crossed out: as we scan their pages o er] as we o er their pages turn That we too can leave behind us Letters that we ought to burn. Dean Inge . This slip (shown in the scan), has some creases & wear. Page 299-300 has a paragraph on [Theobald] Smithsches Phaenomen (Smith's Phenomenon), that also mentions Erlich & Otto. To quote the Columbia Encyclopedia (1950) on Smith: "Smith, Theobald, 1859-1934, American pathologist, born Albany, N. Y., M.D. Albany Medical College, 1883. He was professor of bacteriology at Columbian (now George Washington) University (1886-95) and of pathology at Harvard (1896-1915) and served as pathologist with the Department of Agriculture (1884-95), the Massachusetts state board of health (1895-1915), and Rockefeller Institute (1915-29). He discovered the parasite causing Texas cattle fever and its transmission by the cattle tick, differentiated between human and bovine tuberculosis, and contributed greatly to preventive medicine. He wrote 'Studies in Vaccinal Immunity' (with R. B. Little, 1923) and 'Parasitism and Disease' (1934)." (German text). Seller Inventory # ABE-382510224
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Bibliographic Details
Title: Vorlesungen uber infection und Immunitaet ...
Publisher: Verlag von Gustav Fischer in Jena. 1909. (Second Edition). With signature & Nov. 09 date by Theobald Smith, with notes & inserted note. Druck von Ant. Kampfe, Jena.
Binding: Hardcover
Signed: Signed by Author(s)