An H.G.Wells Signed Publishing Contract For In The Days Of The Comet



From Stuart Lutz Historic Documents, Inc., South Orange, NJ, U.S.A. Seller rating 2 out of 5 stars 2-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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HERBERT GEORGE (H.G.) WELLS (1866-1946). Wells was a British author best known for his science fiction, especially The War of the Worlds and The Island of Doctor Moreau. DS. 3pgs. June 28, 1919. N.p. A typed document signed twice signed "HGW" and once signed "H. G. Wells". It is the North American publishing contract for Wells's work In the Days of the Comet with George H. Doran Company. Wells initialed each of the first two pages and signed on the last page. "MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made this 28th day of June 1919 on this and the following 2 folios of paper Between H. G. WELLS ESQ: of Easton Glebe, Dunmow, Essex (hereinafter called the Autor) of the one part and THE GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, of 244, Madison Avenue, New York, in the United States of America (hereinafter called the Publishers) of the other part. WHEREBY it is mutually agreed as follows:- 1. That the Author hereby grants to the Publishers the exclusive right of printing and publishing 'IN THE DAYS OF THE COMET', a Work written by him, in book form in the United States and in the Dominion of Canada. ?" Century Company had been the first U.S. publishers when In the Days of the Comet first came out in 1906, so this was for a subsequent edition. In very good condition, with some wear and tear. Seller Inventory # 5504

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Title: An H.G.Wells Signed Publishing Contract For ...
Signed: Signed by Author(s)

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