From Stuart Lutz Historic Documents, Inc., South Orange, NJ, U.S.A. Seller rating 2 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since 25 January 2018
(SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES). DS. 1pg. March 3, 1853. Washington D.C. A partially-printed document signed "Wm. Tho. Carroll" as Clerk of the United States Supreme Court. The document admits Henry K. Viele of Buffalo, New York as an attorney in the Supreme Court: "?Henry K. Viele, Esquire, of Buffalo, State of New York was, on motion first made to the Court in this behalf, by The Hon. F. G. Haven, duly admitted and qualified, as an Attorney and Counsellor of the Supreme Court of the United States?". The document is in very good condition with some wrinkles and a loss to the upper-right corner. It depicts a version of the eagle symbol on the top and is stamped with the Supreme Court seal at lower left. Seller Inventory # 5831
Title: A Buffalo Man Is Admitted As An Attorney To ...
Signed: Signed by Author(s)
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