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Autograph Letter Signed from John Stockton of Washington, Pennsylvania to J. Peter Paul of Jefferson County, Indiana Three-page folded bifolium stampless letter measuring 8 x 10 inches. Paper loss from tear of wax seal but no loss of content. Very legible with light foxing and minimal separation at folds. Very Good condition. Sometimes 19th century letters shine purely for their language--this being a perfect example in this 558 word letter from the Reverand John Stockton of Washington County Pennsylvania and J. Peter Paul of Jefferson County, Indiana. Stockton accepted the call to preach April 1825 resigning 52 years later. J. Peter Paul was a surveyor in rural Indiana. Stockton writes, "True to the promise I made you in my last, I commence another letter. Presbytery is over and now I have some more leisure, and with leisure returning the memory of joys that are past, but which have been for some time untasted. The ease I now feel is truly pleasant after the labor, anxiety & disquietude which have just past, nevertheless, every pleasure must be followed by its consequent pain, and mine, with the thoughts of the load again to be sustained - of the burthen again to be undergone. Such are the vicissitudes of life, pleasure, pain, joy, sorrow; happiness, misery 'come heel & toe' and thus the poor wretch dances, like a puppet between two electrified plates, till the cause ceases to act and down he falls! But how happy the man, who, after a life entered with cries & ended with groans, succeeds in to an eternal rest, free from labour, toil & pain & immutable as it is eternal? Thus it is ordained by heaven that he who seeks for supreme enjoyment in this life succeeds to pain, but he who lives the persecuted life of the true Christian succeeds to bliss." Stockton and Paul were apparent collegiate classmates. The third paragraph speaks of changes at the college. The Washington Pennsylvania circular date stamp is very clean in brown ink and adds a value of $30 according to "American Stampless Cover Catalog". 18 1/2 cent manuscript postage. Full transcript of letter included. Seller Inventory # 669
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