ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE [Collector's Custom Clamshell case only - Not a book and "no book" included]

Gabriel García Marquez

Published by Harper & Row Publishers, New York, 1970
Used Hardcover

From TBCL The Book Collector's Library, Montreal, QC, Canada Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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1st Edition. Custom Clamshell Case. No Binding. First Edition Clamshell Case for Gabriel García Marquez ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE Classic: A Superb Custom Fitted Modern Collector's Clamshell Bookcase [Not A Book] HAND-CRAFTED by our conservation team, each box is Gilt-stamped at the spine. The case is finished in black Nuba® with a 'sculpted' design of leaves with yellow sides to compliment the dustjacket. Every TBCL case can be finished in a selection of fine leathers & cloths or Nuba® or a combination of both. Nuba® is a fine, supple & durable covering with a neutral ph that has the feel of velvety soft Italian Nubuck leather. This clamshell is perfectly sized to accommodate your first edition. A Terrific Collector's Custom Case for an important Book. TBCL Web Site photo/link available for OVER 100 generally in-stock titles. Custom Craft available upon request. "Book definitely NOT included" When you place your order: Please confirm the actual size of your first edition as sizes may vary with age or if the edition is covered in Mylar. The text can be altered to add "signed" or other special requests. Seller Inventory # 33009

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Bibliographic Details

Publisher: Harper & Row Publishers, New York
Publication Date: 1970
Binding: Hardcover
Dust Jacket Condition: Dust Jacket Included
Signed: Signed by Author(s)
Edition: 1st Edition.

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