Welcome to Milestones of Science Books. We are a members of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers, ILAB. We specialize in selling and buying rare and important antiquarian books and prints in the history of science, medicine and ideas in general, with a focus on those listed in Carter/Muir's Printing and the Mind of Man, Dibner's Heralds of Science, or Horblit's One Hundred Books famous in Science. We are among the leading experts in these fields and guarantee for the authenticity of all items we sell.
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Members of these associations are committed to maintaining the highest standards. They vouch for the authenticity of all items offered for sale. They provide expert and detailed descriptions, disclose all significant defects and/or restorations, provide clear and accurate pricing, and operate with fairness and honesty during the purchase experience.
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Milestones of Science Books
Terms of Sale:
Prices include German VAT for shipments within Germany or to consumers inside the EU. Shipping costs depend on shipping destination and are added on the price.
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Terms according to German law § 5 TMG:
Jörn Koblitz
Milestones of Science Books
Schulstrasse 18A
D-27721 Ritterhude
Phone: +49 (0)421 1754235
E-Mail: info@milestone-books.de
VAT-Identification number according to German law §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
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Shipping Terms:
Unless shorter times are stated in the product description, goods are delivered within: a) 10 days for shipment within Germany, b) 45 days for international shipments, from the time of order (in case of agreed prepayment from the day of your money order at the transfering bank). This delivery period ends at the final day of the above stated period. In case that the calculated final day is a Saturday, Sunday or bank holiday, the final day of delivery will be the subsequent business day. You will be notified immediately in the rare case that an article cannot be delivered within the 10 days period and you then have the right to revocate your order. Shipping costs are based on average values for books of 1 kg weight. Shipping costs can be considerably higher for heavy books or journals. You will then be notified by the seller about the exact costs.
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