From Anah Dunsheath RareBooks ABA ANZAAB ILAB, Auckland, NZ, New Zealand Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since 03 May 2010
Hand-written note in French from Emile Zola on personalised carte de visite. Unsigned. "Merci, mon cher confrere, de votre petit article plein de tact et de mesure." Translates to "Thank you my dear colleague for your little article full of tact and measured thought." Card printed, Emile Zola, Rue de Bruxelles, 21. 6 x 10.5 cm. Seller Inventory # 018804
Title: Han-written card
Binding: Original Boards
Condition: Very Good
Seller: Provan Books, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Hardcover. Condition: Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Fine. 1st Edition. 60 pages, fine condition with dust-wrapper (not price clipped). Loosely enclosed is a Christmas card from the author ("with every good wish for/Christmas & the New Year/from/John Mole"). Also a hand-written letter (15 lines, dated 17/12/86) from the author to George Scurfield.From the library of George and Cecilia Scurfield. Seller Inventory # 009131
Quantity: 1 available