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14pp. ESTC R16301, Wing K495. [Bound with:] An exact relation of the Grand Ceremony of the marriage of charles the II.As it was performed at Fontainbleau by Cardinal Bouillon, the Prince of Conti being Proxey in behalf of the most Catholick King. By an Eye-witness, as it was Printed at Paris, and faithfully Translated. London. Printed for Dorman Newman, 1679. [2], 10pp. ESTC R31470, Wing E3690. [And:] The Princess Anne of Denmark's letter To the Queen. [London]. [s.n.], [1688]. [1]pp. Single sheet, printed on one side only. In this edition line 11 of text ends 'o-'; line 19 ends 'per-'. ESTC R210012, Wing A3224. [And:] The humble petition and advice, Presented unto His Highness the lord protector by The Knights, Citizens and Burgesses assembled At the Parliament begun and held at Westminster the 17th day of September 1656. London. Printed by Henry Hills and John Field, 1657. [2], 20pp. Defective, without final five leaves of text. Later ownership inscription to title, small worm-track to lower margin. ESTC R213592, Wing E1566A. [And:] [Drop-head title:] An Act for the Attainder of the Pretended Prince of Wales of High Treason. [London]. [Printed by Charles Bill], [1701 [i.e. 1702]]. [2], 35-36pp. Imprint from general title page. ESTC N53555. ESTC records copies at two locations in the British Isles (BL and Oxford), and one further location in North America (Texas). [And:] [Drop-head title:] An Act to Declare the Alterations in the Oath appointed to be Taken by the Act intituled, An Act for the further Security of His Majesties Person, and the Succession of the Crown in the Protestant Line, and for Extinguishing the Hopes of the Pretended Prince of Wales, and all other Pretenders, and their Open and Secret Abettors, and for Declaring the Association to be Determined. [London]. [Printed by Charles Bill], [1702]. [2], 403-411pp, [1]. Imprint from general title page. ESTC N53578. ESTC records copies at locations in the British Isles (Longleat and Oxford), and a further three in North America (McGill, Texas, and Yale). [And:] [Drop-head title:] An Act for Explaining a Clause in an Act made at the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, the Two and twentieth of November, in the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King William the Third Intituled, An Act for the better Security of His Majesties Royal Person and Government. [London]. [Printed by Charles Bill], [1702]. [2], 119-124pp. Imprint from general title page. ESTC N53560. ESTC records copies at three locations in the British Isles (Cambridge, Longleat, and Oxford), and a further three in North America (Columbia, Cornell, and Kansas). [And:] [Drop-head title:] An Act for naturalizing her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales. [London]. [Printed by John Baskett], [1736]. [2], 427-428pp. Imprint from general title page. ESTC N51428. ESTC records copies at two locations in the British Isles (House of Lords and National Museums Scotland), and two further in North America (California and Texas). [And:] The Humble address Of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal In Parliament assembled, presented to his majesty, On Wednesday the Fifteenth Day of January, 1745. London. Printed by Thomas Baskett, 1745. 4pp. ESTC N17336. ESTC record copies at two locations in the British Isles (BL and Oxford), and two further in North America (Brown and Duke). [And:] The humble address Of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal In Parliament assembled, presented to his majesty, On Tuesday the Twenty ninth Day of April, 1746. London. Printed by Thomas Baskett, 1746. 4pp. ESTC T63816. ESTC records copies at two locations in the British Isles (BL and Sion College), and three further in North America (Brown, Duke, and Huntington). [And:] His Majesty's most gracious speech To both houses of parliament, On Tuesday the Eighteenth Day of November, 1746. London. Printed by Thomas Baskett, 1746. 4pp. ESTC N17589. ESTC records a single copy in the British Isles (BL), and. Seller Inventory # AQ27793
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