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8vo. pp.157-211 plus 7p. ads for books and related materials on Theosophy. Decorative initial letters. Stapled booklet in grey wrappers printed in black and with a stylized Arts & Crafts design on the front wrapper and a poem on the rear wrapper decorated with Arts & Crafts designs. Just a few dings around the edges, wrappers ever so slightly soiled, a bit of rust on the staples, corners square and flat, else very good to near fine with no internal markings. Includes writings by TK, FlorenceHhuntley, Ella Wheeler Wilcox *poem "Beyond"), R.H. Weed, reviews of two of Rudolph Steiner's books, review of "Daisy Dryden. A Memoir" by Mrs. S.H. Dryden, a review of "The Sanctuary" by W.W. Hicks, a review of "Evolution" by Langdon Smith, as well as a long list of "Worthy Books from Many Sources." LIFE AND ACTION was the first organ of the Master T.K.'s Great Work. The Great Work was founded by John E. Richardson (1853-1935) and Florence Chance Huntley (1856-1912). The group's underlying narrative claimed that Richardson, while practicing law in Stockton, California, in 1883, was approached by a mysterious man who told him he had come "from far-off India, ?the Home of Ancient Mystery" to see him. He studied with this master of the Great Work for 13 months, nine hours a day, and "my final and crowning achievement, under his instruction, was to withdraw at will, from the physical body and travel with him out into the spiritual realms." In this state he was made the 33rd Great Master of the Work, and was shown Florence Huntley, whom he met physically a few years later. [from The International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals] A relatively rare periodical of the Theosophical and New Age movements. Seller Inventory # 008412
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