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Offered is the September 1943 issue (Vol. 1 No. 6) of "Ammunition: Official Publication, International Education Department" of the UAW-CIO edited by William H. Levitt and published by the UAW-CIO out of Detroit, Michigan (R. J. Thomas, President; George F. Addes, Secretary-Treasurer; Richard T. Frankensteen and Walter P. Reuther, Vice-Presidents). A left-stapled magazine measuring 8-1/4" by 10-3/4" and containing 36 pages including front and rear covers. Highlights include: Behind the Scenes by George F. Addes, UAW-CIO Secretary-Treasurer ("A Description of the Elaborate System of Checks and Balances That Guarantees That Your Money Will Be Protected"); The Production Picture by Walter P. Reuther, UAW-CIO Vice President ("Maximum Production Can Be Attained Only By Granting Labor the Right to Participate in Total Planning"); Organizing in Wartime by Richard T. Frankensteen, UAW-CIO Vice President ("Despite the Difficulties of Organizing in Wartime, More Than a Quarter of a Million Aircraft Workers Have Been Organized During the Past Year"); Health for Women Workers; Forging Shackles for Labor by Maurice Sugar, UAW-CIO General Counsel; When to Hit the Ceiling ("If you beef about prices and do nothing to hold them down, you're helping Hitler. The time to holler is every time the butcher over-charges or the landlord tries to up the rent"); union cartoon Victor, The Patriotic Mouse. Condition: pages age-yellowed due to paper stock used; stamp of "Industrial Relations Library - California Institute of Technology" to front cover and mailing label to same on rear cover. Seller Inventory # 013576
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