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Fine condition textured maroon boards with gold front cover lettering. Includes Preliminary Page re: In the Senate of the United States, Resolved that the document herewith be submitted and printed as a Senate document, by James M. Baker, Secretary, dated August 26, 1913; Introduction by Charles E. Fairman; Biographies of Artists; List of Works of Art in the Capitol Building; National Statuary Hall Statues Presented by the States; and Index to Biographies. Biographies include the following partial list: Herbert Adams, Benjamin Paul Akers, Louis Amateis, Sarah Fisher Ames, Giovanni Andrei, Eliphalet Frazer Andres, Hezekiah Augur, Gerand Barry, Albert Bierstadt, Gutzon Borglum, Richard Edwin Brooks, Richard Norris Brooke, Henry Kirke Brown, Cnstantino Brumidi, Charles Calverly, Antonio Capellano, Francis Bicknell Carpenter, Enrico Causici, John Gadsby Chapman, Vittorio A. Ciani, William Cogswell, Carl H. Conrads, John Singleton Copley, Filippo Costaggini, Thomas Crawford, Henry F. Darby, Pierre Jean David D'Angers, Henryk Dmochowski, Alexander Doyle, Ulric Stonewall Jackson Dunbar, Seth Eastman, Esther Edmonds, Kate Flournoy Edwards, Henry Jackson Ellicott, Charles Loring Elliott, Frank Edwin Elwell, Moses Ezekiel, Giuseppe Fagnani, Cornella Daele Fassett, Carlo Franzoni, Giuseppe Franzoni, James E. Fraser, John Frazee, Daniel Chester French, Maximillian Franz Friederang, Alexander Galt, F. Regis Gignoux, Frances M. Goodwin, Charles A. Gray, William A. Greaves, Horatio Greenough, Richard Saltonstall Greenough, Ellen Day Hale, William Formby Halsall, Chester Harding, Henry Harrison, George Peter ALexander Healy, Augustus George Heaton, Albert P. Henry, Maria Herndl, Thomas Hicks, Robert Hinckley, Vinnie Ream Hoxie, William James Hubard, Daniel Huntington, Francisco Iardella, Chauncey B. Ives, T.D. Jones, Jacques Jouvenal, Joseph Lasalle, Joseph Lauber, Emanuel Leutze, Harold L. Macdonald, George B. Matthews, Larkin Goldsmith Mead, Helen Farnsworth Mears, Stanley Grant Middleton, Martin Millmore, Clark Mills, Theodore AUgustus Mills, Thomas Moran, Imogene Robinson Morrell, William D. Murphy, John Neagle, Elisabet Ney, Blanche Nevin, Willie Betty Newman, Charles Henry Niehaus, Johannes Adam Oertel, Andrew O'Connor, Erastus Dow Palmer, Edgar Parker, William Ordway Partridge, Charles Willson Peale, Rembrandt Peale, Luigi Persico, Edward Clark Potter, William Henry Powell, Hiram Powers. A faded upper page edge stamp states: Property of St. Augustine Historical Society. A small number "82" is neatly written in blue pen at the lower section of the full title page. All other pages are in unmarked. The spine/binding is exceedingly tight and square (see photographs). Exceedingly RARE historically significant copy in any condition. Seller Inventory # 007539
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