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8vo, 204 x 123 mms., pp. xii, 259 [260 Erratum], folding engraved map before title-page, which appears to be a cancel, contemporary tree sheepskin, spine neatly restored with gilt rules across spine. A very good copy. Ali Bey al-Kabir (1728 - 1773) rebelled against his Ottoman rulers in 1768. The Ottoman Porte of the title is a name for the central government of the Ottoman Empire. The author, who purports to be a teacher of Greek and located at no. 27 Compton Street, Soho, also claims to have know Ali Bey. The reviewer of the first edition of 1783 in The Monthly Review seems to be a little sceptical of this identity, but nevertheless asserts, "This authentic account of such a revolution as that accomplished by Ali Bey, written by a person who was occasionally an eye witness of it, and had, from his connections in the country, many opportunities of acquiring the best information concerning it, will always deserve the attention of the Public." The Critical Review was certain of the author's accuracy: "The candor [sic] and simplicity of the present author are the strongest criteria of his veracity; and we have little hesitation in believing this short, but very satisfactory relation of the adventures of an amiable but unfortunate hero.," concluding that he endorses the narrative with "the warmest commendations both of the work and its author. We suspect him to be an Italian or from the opposite coast of the Gulf of Venice; but his candour [sic], veracity, and good sense, will be the most powerful recommendations in any line of life he may think fit to pursue." Lusignan adds a paragraph at the end of the preface not in the first edition to the effect that he has "added a New and Correct Map of Egypt, Syria, &c." ESTC T130751 calls for a plate or map in the first edition of 1783, Seller Inventory # 9194
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