Gynaeciorum sive de mulierum tum communibus, tum gravidarum, parientium, et puerperarum affectibus et morbis

SPACH, Israel

Published by Strassburg: Lazarus Zetzner, 1597
Used Hardcover

From Landmarks of Science Books, Richmond, United Kingdom Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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First edition under Spach's editorship, and the most complete edition of this celebrated collection of gynaecological writings, incorporating the best that had been written on the subject. "The increased interest in diseases of women during the Renaissance is evidenced by the appearance of what we may call encyclopedias of gynaecology. Conrad Gesner (1516-1565) of Zurich, a physician of remarkable erudition and the author of the famous Bibliotheca Universalis, prepared a collection of what were considered the best treatises on diseases of women and proposed to edit them in a single volume. Before the work was finished, Gesner died, but he had designated his friend and successor at the University of Zürich, Caspar Wolff (1532-1601), to complete the task . . . In 1586, twenty years after the publication of the first Gynaecia, a second four-volume edition appeared. Considerably augmented, it was the work of Caspar Bauhin (1560-1624), professor of anatomy, botany, medicine and Greek at the University of Basle . . . The third and final edition of the Gynaecia appeared eleven years later in 1597, issued in a single volume by Israel Spach of Strassbourg" (Ricci, pp. 254-255). "Spach's compilation of gynecological and obstetrical texts was the largest such collection of its day, reprinting most of the works collected in Caspar Wolff's Volumen gynaeciorum (1566) and Gaspard Bauhin's Gynaeciorum sive de mulierum affectibus (1586-1588), and adding several other treatises. The collection includes works by Plater (whose anatomy of the female genitalia heads the collection), Moschion, Le Bon, Montanus, Paré and many others. Some of the anatomical woodcuts are taken from Vesalius's Fabrica, in particular his 'masculinized' representation of the female reproductive organs; also illustrated are various surgical and gynecological instruments, including a speculum" (Norman). This edition of the Gynaeciorum is the first to contain Bauhin's Libellus variorum historianum (on Caesarean section) and Martin Akakia's De morbis muliebribus, the latter published here for the first time; this edition is also the only one to contain a substantial index. This is a rather clean copy in an attractive contemporary binding - this book was printed on poor quality paper, and most copies are badly browned. Adams S1517; Cutter and Viets, pp. 29-30; Durling 2254; Garrison and Morton 6013; Norman 1977; Waller 9096; Wellcome 6030. Ricci, The Genealogy of Gynaecology. History of the Development of Gynaecology throughout the Ages 2000 BC - 1800 AD (2nd edition), 1950. Folio, pp. [xxxvi], 28, 1080, [34]. Title in red and black with printer's woodcut device, numerous woodcut illustrations in the text (variable browning and foxing throughout, damp stain in fore-margin of first 25 leaves or so). Contemporary yapped vellum, later black morocco lettering piece (a bit soiled, Bodleian Library bookplate and release stamp on front paste-down, without free endpapers). Seller Inventory # ABE-1633020512752

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Bibliographic Details

Title: Gynaeciorum sive de mulierum tum communibus,...
Publisher: Strassburg: Lazarus Zetzner
Publication Date: 1597
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Very Good
Edition: 1st Edition

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SPACH Israel,

Seller: Studio Bibliografico Antonio Zanfrognini, Modena, Italy

Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

In folio; (36), 28, 1080, 34 pp. Legatura di recupero in mezza pergamena con piatti foderati con bella carta marmorizzata novecentesca e titolo manoscritto al dorso. Due antiche firme di appartenenza al frontespizio, una delle due anticamente cancellata, timbretto di appartenenza privata al margine basso delle prime cinque carte fortemente sbiadito e solo in parte leggibile. Una leggera e antica macchia d'inchiostro che non preclude assolutamente la lettura, a pagina 896. Piccola pecetta di carta ad integrare piccola mancanza al margine interno basso della prima pagine di indice con perdita di poche lettere (aggiunta quasi invisibile). Tagli rossi. Frontespizio in rosso e nero. Esemplare con leggere bruniture come tutti quelli conosciuti a causa della qualità della carta utilizzata come specificato anche nel Norman Catalouge 1977 che specifica come la carta utilizzata per stampare l'opera fosse di pessima qualità e che solitamente gli esemplari si presentano fortemente bruniti. Fortunatamente questa copia è fra quelle con una brunitura solo leggera. Varie figure anatomiche nel testo. A parte i leggeri difetti sopra elencati esemplare in buone condizioni di conservazione. Interessanti antiche note chiosate a mano al margine esterno bianco di alcune pagine. Prima edizione di questa celebre opera del noto medico originario di Strasburgo, Israel Spach. Studente di Jean Riolan il Vecchio, studio e si laureò nell'Università di Tubingia nel 1581. Tenne a lungo la cattedra di fisica presso l'Università di Strasburgo. Grande studioso e lettore era considerato uno dei massimi conoscitori dell'arte medica del suo tempo. La monumentale opera qui presentata è la più completa e precisa raccolta delle conoscenze ginecologiche e ostetriche del cinquecento e presenta al suo interno le opere di Plater, Moschion, Le Boë, Montanus, Paré, Martin Akakia, Kaspar Bauhin e altri. Fra le opere contenute: Martin Akakia "De morbis muliebribus libri II, nunc primum in lucem edita"; Kaspar Bauhin "Appendix varias et novas historias continens"; Ambroise Pare "De Hominis Generatione Liber"; François Rousset "De Partu Césareo Tractatus"; Albucassis "Gravissimorum aliquot affectus muliebrium"; Jacques Rueff "De Conceptu et Generatione Hominibus"; Jerôme Mercurialis "De Morbis Muliebrium" e altre per un totale di 18 opere. Parte delle tavole che illustrano il testo sono prese dalle celebri tavole del Vesalio. Vi sono poi numerose illustrazioni di strumenti ginecologici. "compilation of gynecological and obstetrical texts was the largest such collection of its day, reprinting most of the works collected in Caspar Wolff's Volumen gynaeciorum and Gaspard Bauhin's Gynaeciorum sive de mulierum affectibus (1586-88), and adding several other treatises. The collection includes works by Plater (whose anatomy of the female genitalia heads the collection), Moschion, Le Boë, Montanus, Paré and many others. Some of the anatomical woodcuts are taken from Vesalius's Fabrica, in particular his "masculinized" representation of the female reproductive organs; also illustrated are various surgical and gynecological instruments, including a speculum' (Norman catalogue). Prima edizione di questo testo basilare nella storia della ginecologia. Adams S-1517; Durling 2254; Garrison and Morton 6013; Norman 1977; Waller 9096; Wellcome 6030. Seller Inventory # 4503

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SPACH, Israel (ed.)
Used Hardcover

Seller: Attic Books (ABAC, ILAB), London, ON, Canada

Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

Leather bound. Condition: Good +. Third edition. 33 cm. Full vellum. Varying pagination. All pages present. Title vignette. Anatomical illustrations, including babies in the womb, and gynaecological instruments. 6 impressive illustrations near the beginning of the book show full midsection of a body, opened to reveal reproductive organs. Crack in top right edge of spine, but binding still holding well. Owner's signature. Bookseller's label (W.F. Watson, Edinburgh). Dampstain to bottom third of title page, continuing through preliminaries. Some notations in margins, pages browned, minor spots, a few small holes. Bookplate of James Young Simpson (1811-1870) Scottish doctor and discoverer of the anaesthetic uses of chloroform in medical work. Includes signed note by Simpson dated 1860, a note of introduction for another doctor (Dr. Elisha Kinney?) touring Europe. Text in Latin and Greek. G+M 6013. Israel Spach (1560-1610) studied medicine under Jean Riolan the Elder and later at the University of Tubingen. After receiving his doctorate, he practised medicine before taking a professorship at the Strasbourg Academy. This book is one of Spach's many scholarly works. In this text, he has compiled, as editor, a great collection of gynaecological writings. It is in effect the third edition of the collection previously issued by Wolff (No. 6011) and Bauhin (No. 6012). Seller Inventory # 108004

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Published by Strassburg, Lazarus Zetzner, 1597
Used Hardcover

Seller: Mayfair Rare Books & Manuscripts Ltd, London, United Kingdom

Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

Hardcover. Condition: Good. Folio (312 x 202 mm), contemporary vellum with blind fillets on boards and spine, manuscript title, inside some browning throughout as usual due to paper quality, else a very genuine copy in good condition. Title in red and black, with large woodcut printer's device, pp [xxx] 28, 1080 [recte 1082], [34], with numerous woodcut illustrations in text. First edition of this wide collection of gynaecological texts. 'Spach's compilation of gynecological and obstetrical texts was the largest such collection of its day, reprinting most of the works collected in Caspar Wolff's Volumen gynaeciorum and Gaspard Bauhin's Gynaeciorum sive de mulierum affectibus (1586-88), and adding several other treatises. The collection includes works by Plater (whose anatomy of the female genitalia heads the collection), Moschion, Le Boë, Montanus, Paré and many others. Some of the anatomical woodcuts are taken from Vesalius's Fabrica, in particular his "masculinized" representation of the female reproductive organs; also illustrated are various surgical and gynecological instruments, including a speculum' (Norman catalogue). Adams S-1517; Cutter and Viets pp 29-30; Durling 2254; Garrison and Morton 6013; Norman 1977; Waller 9096; Wellcome 6030. Seller Inventory # 275

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Spach, Israel
Used Hardcover First Edition

Seller: Chaco 4ever Books, Montevideo, MO, Uruguay

Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

Encuadernación de tapa dura. Condition: Muy bien. 1ª Edición. In-folio. 18ff. 28pp. 1080pp. (i.e. 1082), 17ff. Title in red and black with printer's woodcut device, and numerous woodcut illustrations in the text; paper heavily browned throughout (as usual). Bound in full original English calf. Spine skillfully repaired on extremities. FIRST EDITION under Spach's editorship, and the most complete edition of this celebrated collection of gynaecological writings, incorporating the best that had been written on the subject. G&M 6013. Norman catalogue 1977. CodBos. Seller Inventory # 24022168

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Spach, Israel.
Used Hardcover

Seller: Sam Gatteno Books, Grosse Pointe, MI, U.S.A.

Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

Hardcover. Condition: Good. Folio. [xxxvi], 28, 1080, [xxxiv]pp. Title-page in red-and-black. With large woodcut printer's device. Modern half calf over marble boards. With textual illustrations. Adams S1517; Cutter and Viets pp 29-30; Durling 2254; Garrison and Morton 6013; Norman 1977; Waller 9096; Wellcome 6030. An assembly of gynaecological texts, both classical and 'modern.' 'Spach's compilation of gynecological and obstetrical texts was the largest such collection of its day, reprinting most of the works collected in Caspar Wolff's Volumen gynaeciorum and Gaspard Bauhin's Gynaeciorum sive de mulierum affectibus (1586-88), and adding several other treatises. The collection includes works by Plater (whose anatomy of the female genitalia heads the collection), Moschion, Le Boë, Montanus, Paré and many others. Some of the anatomical woodcuts are taken from Vesalius's Fabrica, in particular his "masculinized" representation of the female reproductive organs; also illustrated are various surgical and gynecological instruments, including a speculum' (Norman catalogue). Seller Inventory # 2569

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SPACH, Israel.

Seller: Nigel Phillips ABA ILAB, Chilbolton, United Kingdom

Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

Folio, pp. (xxxvi), 28, 1080, (34). Title in red and black with printer?s woodcut device, and numerous woodcut illustrations in the text. Signature Ff bound before Dd, paper heavily browned throughout (as usual). Seventeenth century morocco, brown morocco label on spine (fore-edge a little rubbed, a few surface strips torn from the cover). Manuscript ex libris of H.J. Baron of Corsica, 1659, on front free endpaper. First edition under Spach?s editorship, and the most complete edition of this celebrated collection of gynaecological writings, incorporating the best that had been written on the subject. ?Spach?s compilation of gynecological and obstetrical texts was the largest such collection of its day, reprinting most of the works collected in Caspar Wolff?s Volumen gynaeciorum and Gaspard Bauhin?s Gynaeciorum sive de mulierum affectibus (1586?1588), and adding several other treatises. The collection includes works by Plater (whose anatomy of the female genitalia heads the collection), Moschion, Le Boë, Montanus, Paré and many others. Some of the anatomical woodcuts are taken from Vesalius?s Fabrica, in particular his ?masculinized? representation of the female reproductive organs; also illustrated are various surgical and gynecological instruments, including a speculum? (Norman). The valuable index appears in this edition for the first time, together with the works of Bauhin (on Caesarean section), Corda, Akakia, and Mercati. This book was printed on poor quality paper, and most copies (but not all, the Norman copy being one exception) are usually badly browned. The binding of this copy is of red morocco, but in a very plain style, possibly a Corsican ?country? binding. G&M 6013. Norman catalogue 1977. Seller Inventory # 1274

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