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First edition, very rare offprint, of Bargmann and Wigner's classification of relativistic wave equations in terms of represenations of the Poincare group. When they wrote the present paper, "there existed a very considerable literature on relativistic wave equations which, in principle, should have provided examples of representations of the Poincare group, at least if an appropriate Hilbert space structure could be put on the solutions of the equations. In [the present paper] Bargmann and Wigner constructed new explicitly invariant realizations of the irreducible representations of [the Poincare group] in terms if Hilbert spaces of solutions of partial differential equations . . . the continuous spin equations were entirely new, but [Wigner] claims to find antecedents for the other cases in papers of Majorana, Kramers, Belinfante and Lubanski, and others. Posierity has passed its judgement by referring to [these partial differential equations] as the Bargmann-Wigner equations" (Arthur Wightman in The Collected Works of Eugene Paul Wigner, Part A, Vol. III, pp. 9-11). "Bargmann worked with Eugene Wigner on relativistic wave equations and together they developed the justly famous Bargmann-Wigner equations for elementary particles of arbitrary spin" (Bargmann's National Academy of Sciences obituary). 8vo, pp. 211-233. Original printed wrappers. Seller Inventory # ABE-1677598831738
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