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4° (25.5 x 16 x 1.6 cm). XV, 56 SS. (Text) mit 4 Farbtafeln, 96 sep. Tafeln in Clichédruck (Buchdruck, Autotypie; ca. 58er Raster) teilw. mit mehreren Abbildungen. Druck a. Matt- (Text), bzw. satiniertem Papier (Tafeln). OFeinleinen (gelb; marginal leicht stockfleckig, Rücken etwas gebräunt, Kapitale min. bestossen) mit vergold. Rückentitel. First Edition / Erste (Original-) Ausgabe. Vorsätze anflugweise stockfleckig. Leichtere Alters- u. Lagerungs-, wenig Gebrauchsspuren. Gesamthaft weitestgehend sauberes, recht gutes Exemplar. - - Series: The Faber Monographs on Pottery and Porcelain - Nicht in DNB; SBB Signatur: 4"[at]6 Q 1593 - Brit.Lib. General Reference Collection, St Pancras Reading Rooms, Shelfmark no W.P.2171/1. - "German porcelain, including as it does that made at the great Meissen factory but known in England as 'Dresden china', is more frequently met with in this country than any other continental ceramic ware. [.] Moreover, since German porcelain was the first, after the Chinese and Japanese, to set a European fashion, it is of historical as well as of great artistic importance and value. [.] Though the period covered by it is a short one, being as far as the finest work is concerned that of the late Baroque and rococo styles only, the types of ware made were so numerous and at first sight so much alike as to be bewildering to the unexperienced collector." (etc.; p. 1) -CONTENTS / INHALT : 1. List of Plates / Abbildungsverzeichnis, 2. Introduction / Einführung (pp. 1-36): a. allgemein, b. nach Manufakturen: Meissen, Vienna / Wien, Höchst, Berlin, Fürstenberg, Frankenthal, Nymphenburg, Ludwigsburg, Ansbach, Kelsterbach, Berlin, Ottweiler (Nassau-Saarbrücken), Fulda, Kassel, Gutenbrunn (Pfalz-Zweibrücken), Würzburg, Thüringen, Diverse andere, 3. Marken (pp. 37-47), 4. Bibliographie (pp. 49-51) - Mit Register. - Sprache: en. Seller Inventory # H012424
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