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The Gazetteer's Select History of Europe: or, a description of all the seats of the present wars in the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Spain, and Poland. Being a full Survey of all those Countries; setting forth the Situation and Distances of their Provinces, Cities, Towns, and Villages; with curious Remarks upon all the Places of Note. Likewise an exact Delineation of the March of the Germans from Lower Lombardy to Piedmont; or the several Marches of the French to joyn the Duke of Bavaria; and late March of the Confederate Forces under the Command of the Duke of Marlborough from the Low-Countries to the Danube; with an Account of all the other heroick Actions of his Grace beyond Sea, from the Time of His being made general of Her Majesty s Army till now: together with a large Plan of the several Camps and Marches of the English and Gallick Armies towards Hochstet, exactly drawn by Colonel Ivot, Quarter-Master-General to His grace: As also another Plan of that important Place of Gibraltar, lately took by Admiral rook. To which is likewise inserted a New Geographical table, alphabetically compil d, shewing all the considerable Cities, Towns and Villages in Christendom by which you may know in what Country they are situated; to whom subject; and in what Degree of Longitude and Latitude they lie. And also a Postscript of the late Sea-Fight betwixt the Confiderate and French Fleets near Malaga. The whole illustrated with Maps to each Country, curiously engrav d on Copper-Plates. London: printed and sold by J. Bradford, in Westmoreland-Court, in Bartholomew-Close, 1704. The volume has been rebound in new quarter calf over marbled boards, with the spine divided into six compartments by five raised bands, with blind stamped decorations in each compartment. Internally the endpapers are new, but the front and rear blanks have been preserved. The contents are somewhat browned, except for the maps which are printed on high quality paper. The large folding map of the Battle of Blenheim has closed tears professionally repaired with Japanese rice paper very neatly done. The volume is paginated as follows: [24], 168p. The volume collates as follows: A4, a-b4, B-Y4 The volume measures 16 x 10 x 2.4 cm. Each leaf measures 152 x 92 mm. Complete in all respects with 9 maps (one large folding) An extremely rare complete example of Richard Burridge s detailed breakdown of the present war in Europe and especially Marlborough s campaign of 1704, including A particular INDEX relating to The Duke of Marlborough . It includes detailed information on the military campaigns of 1703 and 1704 as well as the recent taking of Gibraltar. The 9 maps, while crude, offered the most up to date take on the various armed conflicts then raging in Europe, including lists of ships lost and names of officers killed. Various sections include letters sent on the actions and all the various bits of news available at the end of August 1704. One of the last dated entry in the Postscript concerns A Relation of the sea fight near Malaga on the 24th of August 1704 and mentions the dispatch of the battle arriving on September 12th, 1704. The large folding map of the Battle of Blenheim is purported to be a copy of the map drawn by Col, Ivoy, Quarter Master General, but was probably copied from John Nutt s A full and impartial relation , 1704, (ESTC: N165 only one copy known), given the repeat of decorations. ESTC: T199829. Rare. Two copies in institutions. The University of Manchester and The Library of Congress. Please see our website for additional photographs. Seller Inventory # ABE-1613936327389
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