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Green printed wrappers, small 4to, iv, [1], [67]-135 pp, illustrated with 49 plates. 34 lots (XXXI-LXIV). The illustrated version of the catalogue of the second sale of Henry Yates Thompson's manuscripts which attracted a full saleroom and high prices. Born in 1838, Thompson was for many years proprietor of the Pall Mall Gazette but is best known as the greatest manuscript collector of his time. Though 82 by the time of this sale, Thompson later found that after an operation his eyesight was sufficiently improved to allow him to enjoy his library again and accordingly subsequently bought back some of the manuscripts he had previously sold. The lots comprise: ENGLISH .MANUSCRIPTS: XXXI. Hegesippus. De Excidio Judeorum; XXXII. Life and miracles of St. Cuthbert; XXXIII. Cassiodorus and Seneca; XXXIV. The Carrow Psalter; XXXV. The Salvin Horae; XXXVI. Biblia Nicolai de Bello; XXXVII. Apocalypse, with Commentary of Berengaudus; XXXVIII. De la Twyere Psalter; XXXIX. Sarum Missal of the Sherbrooke Family; XL. The Psalter of John of Gaunt; XLI. Horae of " Elizabeth ye Quene."; XLII. The De Grey Horae; XLIII. The Lusher Psalter; XLIV. The Wingfield Horae; PRINTED BOOKS: XLV. Cicero. De Officiis, Fust & Schoeffer, Mainz, 1466; XLVI. Justinianus, Schoeffer, Mainz, 1468; XLVII. Pliny, Jenson, Venice, 1472; XLVIII. Vulturius, Verona, 1472; XLIX. St Thomas Aquinas, Venice, 1478; L. Ptolomy, Ulm, 1482; LI. Josephus., Verard, Paris, 1492; Lil. Larbre des Batailles, Verard, Paris, 1493; FRENCH AND ITALIAN MANUSCRIPTS: LIII. Bible Historíale du Duc de Berri, 2 vols; LIV. Augustinus de Civitate Dei. Duc de Berri; LV. Vincent de Beauvais, Speculum Historíale. Duc de Berri; LVI. Boccaccio des Cleres et Nobles Femmes. Admiral de Coetivy; LVII. Horae of René of Lorraine; LVIII. Horae of Louis of Anjou, Bastard of Maine; LIX. Horae of Antoine, Grand Bastard of Burgundy; LX. Psalter of Paduan Origin; LXI. Gospel Book of Pope Pius II, Aeneas Silvius; LXII. Psalter of Cosimo dei Medici (Pater Patriae); LXIII. Breviary of Duke Hercules of Ferrara; LXIV. Horae of Dionora, Duchess of Urbino. Front wrapper torn at hinge at lower 6 cm, wrappers browned and faded around spine, otherwise Good. Seller Inventory # ABE-58683
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