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Yellow printed wrappers, 8vo, 25 cm, 72 pp. 867 lots. " . comprising a selection from the extensive scientific library of the late Professor Sir D'Arcy Thompson, C.B., F.R.S. (sold by order of the executors) including rare and curious books on mathematics, navigation, medicine & surgery, & various branches of natural history; a library of standard XIX century literature, finely printed and illustrated books, etc., the property of the late Sir Geoffrey R. Clarke, K.C.I.E., C.S.I. (sold by his testamentary direction); a library of English books printed since 1920, principally in first or limited editions, the property of W.G. Campbell, Esq. of Brentwood; an exceptional collection of George Meredith's works and of Meredithiana, the property of Messrs. Constable & Co., Ltd.; a small collection of the writings of Rudyard Kipling, the property of Anthony Brunner, Esq.; and other properties.". The bibliographer and collector Michael Sadleir's copy, with a completed form letter from Sotheby's to him stapled to the front of the catalogue advising him of the inclusion in the sale of the George Meredith lots (567-634) consigned by the publishers Constable & Co.: Sadleir was at the time a Director of Constable & Co. With the list of prices realized and buyers' names (7 pp, duststained and edgeworn) laid in. This reveals that the great majority of the Meredith lots were bought by "Bishop, R.H.", with the others scattered among several dealers. Stapes to catalogue and prices list rusted with marks, otherwise Good. Seller Inventory # ABE-29770
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