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Edition of 600 copies. Cloth, folio, 34 cm, 168 pp, 134 colour illustrations and 20 halftones, 41 items. From H P Kraus' foreword: "It is with great pleasure that I present to you, my friends and customers, this fine array of illuminated and textual manuscripts in commemoration of the sale of the Irene and Peter Ludwig Collection of manuscripts.The items offered in this present catalogue show that, established collections notwithstanding, it is still possible to acquire fine and rare manuscripts of extraordinary beauty and interest. For the delectation of collectors and scholars we have furnished lengthier and more detailed descriptions, and included more illustrations, than we customarily provide in our catalogues." List of Authors and Titles: Adalbert. St. Simpertus. 1492; Barberino, Andrea da. Meschino da Duracco. 1462; Bartolomeo Aretino or Bartolomeo Torre. Anatomical studies. 1554; Benedictionale. mid 12th. Century; Bible. Sahidic. O.T. (portions) 4th. Century; Bible. Palestinian Syriac. N.T. (portions) 6th century; Bible. Georgian. Gospel pericopes. 979; Bible Commentaries, c. 1180; Boccaccio, Giovanni. Lystoire de Griseldis. c. 1410-1420; Christ before Pilate. Single miniature, c. 1470; Claudius of Turin (Comm.) In evangelium secundum Mattheum. c. 830; Cuvelier, Jean. Livre historical de Bertran de Guesclin. 15th century; Dante Alighieri. La Commedia. 1412 8 Domenech, Jaume. Compendi Historial. 1454-1455; Didymos. Commentary on Psalm 36:1-3. 5th or 6th century; Frederick I (Hohenstaufen) Diploma. 1189; Frederick II (Hohenstaufen) Diploma. 1237; Greek alphabet tablets, c. 8th century B.C.; Histoire ancienne. c. 1375; Histoire de Troie le grant, c. 1480; Horae B.M.V. Use of Paris, c. 1460-1470; Horae B.M.V. Use of Rome. c. 1425; Horae B.M.V. Use of Rome. c. 1450-1460; Horae B.M.V. Use of Rome. 1474; Horae B.M.V. Use of Rome. c. 1480; Horae B.M.V. Use of Rome. c. 1483-1486; Horae B.M.V. Use of Rome. c. 1490; John Chrysostom, St. Homeliae. 12th-13th century; Lectionarium. c. 1100; Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. Pharsalia. 12th century; Map, Walter. Lancelot. 13th century; Monti, Urbano. Atlas, c. 1587; Origen (Pseudo-) Omelia. c. 1180; Otto I. Grant. 945; Paulus Diaconus. Hystoriae Romanorum. 9th-10th century; Petrarch, Francesco (trans.) Lystoire de Griseldis. c. 1410-1420; Petrus Comestor. Scolastica hystoria. c. 1200; Petrus Comestor. Bible historiale. c. 1375; Petrus Comestor. Bible historiale. c. 1410-1420; Ponticus Virunius. Commentarii in sphaera Joannis Sacroboschensis. 1499-1514; Robert de Borron. L'Estoire du Graal. 13th century; Robert de Borron. L'Estoire du Graal. 15th century; Rolle, Richard (ascribed author) The Pricke of Conscience, c. 1360; Sozomenus. Cronica. c. 1460-1470; Sydrach. c. 1350-1370; Tacuinum sanitatis. 15th century. Near Fine in Near Fine dustwrapper. Price-list laid in. Seller Inventory # ABE-51995
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Bibliographic Details
Title: Catalogue 165. Cimelia. A Catalogue of ...
Publisher: H. P. Kraus, New York, bookseller's catalogue, 1983
Publication Date: 1983
Binding: Hardcover
Dust Jacket Condition: Dust Jacket Included
Edition: 1st Edition