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Collection includes over 30 individual billheads from suppliers to the Charles B. Engel jewelry business at 217 Lackawanna Ave. in Scranton PA, with a few items of more domestic nature purveyed to Mrs. Engel; many of the billheads with illustrations, some in colors, with artistic designs, business architecture & typographic interest, including: Greenberger & Co. wholesale grocers of Scranton; the New England Advertising Co. New Haven; C.H. Eden Co. jewelry, hair ornaments and pins Attleboro Mass; Daniel Jacobs livery and boarding stables Scranton; Thomas Long Co. diamonds, watches, cut glass, silverware, novelties - sending samples of their Cloisonne Opaque Enamel Collar-pins and Jabot-pins, from Boston; the Scranton Truth fine book and commercial printing; Colonial Silver Co. silver plated wares Portland Me.; a salesman, James J. Doll, writing from The Elton hotel in Waterbury Conn. regarding a proposed visit to show Engel the "Keller" 10k line; Rose the Hatter Scranton; S. & B.C. Weinhaus Co. wholesalers of general merchandise, offering reductions in price of Elgin Movements; Holland, Sachs & Co. umbrellas & parasols Baltimore, an order for 6 ebony canes; Cleland Simpson Co. Globe dry goods Scranton; John Benore lumber dealer, contractor & builder, Scranton; Lehigh Oil Co. Wilkes-Barre; Seeherman & Gross boots, shoes, rubbers also in Wilkes-Barre, writing to Engle asking him to take care of a note due and enclosing money towards the account; Louis Manheimer & Bros. American watches wholesale, Chicago & NY; S. Langsdorf & Co. manufacturers of holiday goods NY; The New Wall Paper Co. Wilkes-Barre, wall paper, paints, mouldings; E. Brown & Son manufacturers & jobbers furniture, stoves, hardware, tinware, crockery, enameled ware, more , Old Forge Pa., purchase of a drum of sweeping compound; Scranton Bedding Co. mattresses, bed springs; Robert Steel jeweler and optician, Victrolas, Eastman Kodaks, of Hammonton, N.J., requesting information of Engel on their advertised "Jitney Plan"; The Tablet & Ticket Co., NY; N.L. Rogers jewelry auctioneer NY, giving information regarding successful jewelry auctions and sales, printed with additional testimonials on back; the Fiberloid Co. of NY waterproof collars, novelties, specialties & sheets; Bastian Bros. Co. advertising novelties & signs; NY; Kuehl Clock Co. manufacturers & importers Chicago; the last letter, from 1923, concerns 'Electrical Protection" from the American Bank Protection Co. electrical burglar alarms, sectional steel fixtures, safety dep. boxes, vault omnibuses, etc. of Minneapolis and recommends procedures for the Engel business regarding anti-burglar systems; very few repeated items here, almost all represented by single examples only; mostly from the 1908 - 1916 era, only the one letter from 1923 is post World War I; some are full business-letter size sheets, others average 6 x 8 1/2" and other sizes; some edge, tips wear, rubbing, soiling, dustiness; in good to very good condition overall and an interesting overview of this Scranton Pennsylvania jewelry business via its suppliers. Seller Inventory # 23853
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