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A small archive collection of 38 stock certificates and 2 related finance-related letters; the evidence of this portfolio of investments provide the history of the financial activities of the Ray brothers - Colonel Frank H. Ray a New York investor, vice-president of the American Tobacco Co. and his brother Dr. C.R. Ray, who investigated various opportunities for Colonel Ray and partnered with him on several deals in the American far West, as evidenced here; including Oregon related certificates: (1) 1903 Gold Ray Rod & Gun Club Jackson County Oregon to C.R. Ray, Bushong & Co. Portland Or. printers; (9) 1909 Condor Water and Power Company Oregon, made to F.H. Ray, H.C. Stoddard (engineer for the brothers) & others, Goes, printer; 1911 (4) Gold Ray Granite Company Medford, Jackson County Oregon, made out to C.R. Ray & a few associates, Glass & Prudhomme Co. Portland, printers; 1912 (2) Lucky Tou Velle Copper Mining Company Oregon, one to each Ray brother, Medford (OR) printing company; 1912 (2) Southern Oregon Mining Bureau Oregon to the Gold Ray Realty Co., Goes imprint; 1908 (2) Crater Lake Company Oregon to Frank H. Ray Anderson & Duniway Portland OR printers; 1908 - 1917 (5) Orchard Home Company Medford, Jackson County Oregon, to F.H. Ray & a few associates, Glass & Prudhomme Co. Portland OR printers; Miscellaneous stock certificates including: (1) 1895 United States School Furniture Company to Frank H. Ray, S.D. Childs Chicago printers; 1920 ( 8) Radio Power Corporation, Delaware registry, to F.H. Ray, American Bank Note printers; 1905 (1) The Lakewood Country Club Chautauqua County NY to F.H. Ray, Albert B. King & Co. NY printers; 1916 (2) Hydrocarbon Products Company Arizona to Chas. W. Turner, The Broun-Green Co. NY printers (with) 2 pieces of related ephemera - 2 typed letters, of January 1917, regarding agreement to transfer Hydrocarbon stock to a Mr. Carr via Turner & Ray - one with an interesting paragraph of explanation regarding the ".burning of the plant at Lorillard." - one is signed by Frank H. Ray and with an approval signature of Chas. W. Turner, both with edgewear and old fold lines, one with corner chipped, the other with old clip-mark; 1924 (1) Certificate of Shares for the Par Securities Corporation Delaware registry, to Frank H. Ray, W.N. Perrin Co. NY printers; The Ray brothers were very influential in the development of this area of Oregon: ".Besides the Rogue River Electric Company, Gold Ray Dam and power houses and several hundred miles of power lines, they own a number of mines and several thousand acres of land as well as choice realty in the various cities of the valley. Their latest undertaking was the formation of the Orchard Home Company, the planning, subdivision, caring for and selling on easy terms of choice orchard tracts for the purpose of enabling men of small means in the East to acquire fruit holdings. The Ray brothers are developers on a large scale." (quoted from the Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1910 pg. 10); some light wear, old fold lines, occasional splitting to the certificates; in very good condition and interesting real estate, mining & power development history, especially of this area of Oregon, via this investment ephemera. Seller Inventory # 23205
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