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Two very early Misr Airwork brochures, each @12x23cm, (4)pp with b/w photos. Near fine. Undated, c1932. (1) The cover features a photo of DH84 Dragon SU-ABI whose first flight was in 1932, possibly with Chief Pilot Captain Hugh Spooner next to it (Spooner was killed in this craft when it was caught in a sandstorm outside El Arish on its way to Palestine in 1935). The fledgling company that went on to become Egyptair advertises regular services, charters, joy rides over Cairo and the pyramids, modern aeroplanes, experienced pilots, and strict conformity with Air Ministry regulations. The brochure contains an opening statement on the creation of Misr Airwork in June 1932 by Banque Misr ("whose directors comprise the most progressive brains in Egypt") with Airwork Ltd, Heston England, its fleet, and services Egypt and Palestine, along with overhaul and repair work, and a flying school. The chief personnel are named, including Chair HE Ahmed Midhat Yeghen Pacha, Vice-Char HE Mohamed Taher Pacha, Directors, managers, and pilots. Routes from Cairo include Alexandria, Mersa Matruh, Aswan, Port Said, Ramleh, Haifa, Suez, Petra, with places of interest including the Libyan Desert Oases, Siwa, Suez, the Pyramids etc - "picnics to the Desert without the dust and turmoil of a motor car". (2) includes a description of the attractions of Upper Egypt with timetable and fares for Cairo Airport, Cairo City, Assyut, Luxor, and Aswan, with combined prices for accommodation at the Luxor or Winter Palace Hotel in Luxor, and Grand or Cataract Hotel in Aswan. In luxurious 7 seater aircraft. Seller Inventory # 5016
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