Szene aus: Genji Stories; Life of Aristocracy
Utagana Toyokuni 3rd (vorher Utagana Kunisada)
From Le Separee - Alexander Diroll, Darmstadt, Germany
Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since 21 July 2008
From Le Separee - Alexander Diroll, Darmstadt, Germany
Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since 21 July 2008
About this Item
Farbholzschnitt (wood block print) von ca. 1852, im Rahmen mit Glas; von Utagana Toyokuni 3rd (vorher Utagana Kunisada)1756 - 1864; Genuine Orginal M. Nakazawa, Tokyo. Höhere Versandkosten wegen Größe. Seller Inventory # ABE-1473428882632
Bibliographic Details
Title: Szene aus: Genji Stories; Life of Aristocracy
Publication Date: 1852
Binding: Kein Einband
Condition: Gut
Store Description
Le Separee (GewA1)
Inhaber: Alexander Diroll
Mauerstraße 4
64289 Darmstadt
0175 - 8536597
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