Theoria Books

Theoria Books

Andover, MA, U.S.A.

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Joined 12 June 2016

About this seller

Academic reference library of primary and secondary sources being put online: 50+ years in the making, with specialization in philosophy and religion--all areas; ancient thinkers to contemporary; auto-biographies and biographies; some series publications of noted publishers; some foreign language and signed. Plus general stock: mathematics, fiction, mysteries, literary criticism, economics, politics, social sciences, hard sciences, art, education, children's, etc., including some signed and in foreign languages. Largely, books for the contemplative, skeptical, rational argument-driven person who enjoys reading, studying, and creating challenging intellectual discourse and who doesn't lack an affinity for brilliant humor and eager participation in current debates on multifarious topics--or who just plain wishes to indulge an insatiable desire, perhaps not unprecedented, for a complete library on several scholarly fronts, but with a few escapist or collectible items thrown in to make it all worthwhile or to put tenure within easy reach.

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