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[By]., M.D., M.S. in Medicine, F.A.C.P., Senior Consultant, Division of Rheumatology, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation; Professor of Medicine, Mayo Medical School; Formerly, Chairman of the Division of Rheumatology (1966-1976), Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minnesota; e., M.D., M.S. in Medicine, F.A.C.P., Head of Section, Division of Rheumatology, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation; Professor of Medicine, Mayo Medical School, Rochester, Minesota. Second Edition. W. B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia. London. Toronto. S.d. [1978?]. De 23,5x15,5 cm. Com viii, 286 págs. Brochado. Profusamente ilustrado no texto com fotografias a preto e branco e gravuras. Exemplar com sinais de desgaste nas capas de brochura e lombada, com falhas ocasionais de papel, vestígios de oxidação no corte das folhas e assinatura de posse no Prefácio à Segunda Edição. Language: Inglês / English Location/localizacao: I-237-G-28. Seller Inventory # 2108JS092
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