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A 3 VOLUME SET OF R.N. ELLIOTTS MOST IMPORTANT WORKS - VOLUME 1: THE WAVE PRINCIPLE (1938) Softcover, Reprint, exact facsimile of the rare 1938 title originally published by R.N. Elliott, Contents: I. Rhythm in Nature, II. Stock Market Waves, III. Identifying the Waves, IV. Terminology, V. Wave Characteristics: Corrections, Extensions, Irregular Corrections, Triangles, VI. Speed, Volume and Charting, VII. Applying the Wave Principle, IX. Rarities in the 1937/38 Bear Market, X. The Wave Principle in other Fields., Includes the following charts: 1. Population movements, Farms to Cities, 2. Farm Products, 3. Federal Spending, 4. U.S. Deficits, 5. Production, World and U.S., 6. Steel Output, 7. New Life Insurance, 8. Electric Power Produced, 9. Gasoline Consumption, 10. Fire Loses, 11. New York Stock Market Activity, 11A. New York Stock Market Seats, 11B New York Stock Market Seats, 12. Waves 1 and 2 Grand Super Cycle, 13. Super Cycle 1857-1928, 14. Cycle 1896-1928, 15. Primary 1921-1928, 16. 1st Intermediate, 1921 - March 1923, 17. 2nd Intermediate, March 1923 - May 1924, 18. 3rd Intermediate, May 1924 - Nov. 1925, 19. 4th Intermediate, Nov. 1925 - May 1926, 20. 5th Intermediate, May 1926 - Nov. 1928, 21. The Great Bear Market 1928-1932, 22. The Bull Move July 1932 - March 1937, 23. Intermediate May 1936-March 1937, 24. Monthly range March 1937 - March 1938, 25. Weekly range March 1937 - March 1938, 26. Daily range March-August 1937, 27. Daily range August-October 1937, 28. Daily range October 1937 - March 1938, 29. Hourly, February 23rd - March 31, 1938, 30. Standard Statistics weekly, Oct. - Feb., 31. Daily range, March 31 - May 27, 1938, 32. Corporation Bonds 1927-1938, 33. Money value stock transactions NYSE -- end. 50 pp. Hardcover REPRINT of the rare 1938 edition. An important title for any trader's library. This is a clean and exact facsimile of the original 1938 first edition, all text, illustrations and layout are as Elliott intended. VOLUME 2: THE WAVE PRINCIPLE - THE ORIGINAL 12 FINANCIAL WORLD ARTICLES (1939) Softcover, perfect bound, Reprint, Photographic reproduction of a series of 12 articles published in 1939 by R.N. Elliott, (originally published in 1939 by Financial World Magazine), Contents: This book includes an exact facsimile of all 12 original articles that introduced Elliott's "Wave Principle," clean reproduction, 16 pp. -- Extremely Scarce Content and highly recommended reading. VOLUME 3: NATURE'S LAW - THE SECRET OF THE UNIVERSE (1946): Softcover, Reprint, exact facsimile of the rare 1946 title originally published by R.N. Elliott. Book Condition: Fine, 64 pp., Contents: Chapter 1. The Great Pyramid, 2. Natures Law, 3. Human Activity, 4. Distinctive Features, 5. Corrections, 6. Extensions, 7. Irregular tops, 8. Alternation, 9. Scales, 10. Examples, 11. 13 year triangle, 12. Inflation, 13. Gold, 14. Patents, 15. Technical Features, 16. Raid Index, 17. Value of News, 18. Charting, 19. Timing of Investment, 20. Selection of Media, 21. Pyramidic Symbolism Ratio Ruler, 22. The Law of Motion, 23. The Great Depression, 24. Emotional Cycles of Individual, 25. Pythagoras, 26. Miscellaneous, 27. The 1942 -1945 Thrust, Review and Conclusion, References, end. -- Important title by Ralph Nelson Elliott (Elliott Wave Principle) written in 1946, two years before his death in 1948. Scarce edition, Highly recommended reading to understand the basis of Elliott Wave Theory, cycles and crowd psychology. 64 pp. - A 3 Volume set of the rare originals by R.N. Elliott. Collectible Reprint Set. Seller Inventory # 001181
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