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Octavo; Briefly comprising : An Address to the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh on the opeining of the 91st session, 1862. 12p; BOUND WITH : On Hydractinia Echinata, 1857. 16p, 2 plates. BOUND WITH : Observations on British Zoophytes, Laomedea etc. 1858. 12p, 3 plates. BOUND WITH : Description of New Protozoa. 1858. 13p, 2 plates. BOUND WITH : Observations on British Zoophytes, Atractylis etc. 1859. 9p,3 plates. BOUND WITH : Description of New Protozoa, Lagotia etc. 1859. 20p, 3 plates. BOUND WITH : Observations on British Protozoa and Zoophytes [Extract, 1861]. 16p,3 plates. BOUND WITH : Observations on British Zoophytes. [Extract, nd]. 8p, 3 plates. BOUND WITH : On Hermaphrodite Reproduction in Chrysaora Hyoscella (Extract, 1861]. 8p, 1 plate. BOUND WITH : Observations on British Zoophytes, and on the prehensile apparatus of spio seticornis. 1857. 16p, 2 plates. BOUND WITH : Description of two Tubicolar Animals. [Extract, nd]. 7p. BOUND WITH : On the Gregarinidie, by E. Ray Lankester. 4p, 1 plate. Manuscript copy in Wright's hand. BOUND WITH : On the Anatomy of the Nervous System in Lumbricus terrestris by Jno ? Rorie MD. 4p, manuscript copy in Wright's hand. BOUND WITH : Metamorphosis of an Annelid by S. Leven. 2p. Manuscript copy in Wright's hand. BOUND WITH : Report on the British Annedlids, by Thomas Williams. [Extract, nd]. pp 159-272pp, 10 plates. BOUND WITH : On Flukes {extract, anon], pp 25-57, 2 plates. BOUND WITH : The Zoologist at Scarborough by Rev G. Rowe. {Extract, nd]. pp 84-114, 1 plate. BOUND WITH : The Sunfish as a Host by T Spencer Cobbold. [Extract nd], pp 82-2 plates. BOUND WITH : Contributions to the History of the Rotifera, by P.H.Gosse. {Extract, nd]. pp26-49p, 2 plates, and pp158-169, 1 plate. BOUND WITH : Anon : Crustacea {Extract nd}, pp6566-6584. All by Thomas Strethill Wright unless stated, and with a 2p letter from Wright, enclosing a paper, and writing as President of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Contemporary half calf, black lettering piece. G-VG. Seller Inventory # 20778
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