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17x11cm, (842) pp., Contemporary vellum binding. Interior hinges cracked and the book block is partially loose. With leaf referrers. Title inked on spine. The handwritten table of contents & the title page of the first pamphlet are loose, with edges frayed and chipped. Several items have stains to edges and corners. This is a sammelband containing 16 tracts and books, mostly anti-Calvinist polemics, bound together, all in Flemish, all published at Antwerp and all authored by the Jesuit theological controversialist Cornelius Hazart, totalling 842 pages. Includes: 1) Onwettighen Dienst der ghereformeerde predikanten [1664 ; 72 pp] 2) Schuyl- Hoecken ende leer- fauten [1665; 68 pp] 3) Ongerymtheden der ghereformeerde religie [1665 , 32 pp]; 4) Den Hollandtschen Phaeton [1665, 41 pp]; 5) Middaeghsche Sonne- Licht., [1665, 38pp] 6) Disput van Martinus Lutherus met den duyvel., [ 1666; 37 pp]; 7) Geuse praetiens met de welcke sy hunne secte verweiren teghen de Catholycken [1667, 24 pp]; 8) Catholycke vraghe, . ende Calvyn? [1666, 28pp]; 9) Opper- Hoofdigheyt ende on,feylbaerheyt vande pausen van roomen [1 667 ; 29 pp]; 10 ) Grondigh bewys dat de ghemeente der Calvinisten oft ghereformeerde [1667; 21pp]; 11) Antwoorde.,.op den Send-Brief.,.[166 4 ;43 pp]; 12) Sots- Caproen met verscheyden bellen behanghen.,.[1669; 27 pp]; 13) Nieuwe atheisterye van onse tyden, [1668 ; 38 pp]; 14) Ghebovwsel sonder grondt, dat is calvinisten gheloof.,.[1668 ; 53 pp]; 15)- Den Schreeuwenden blinden op- ziender met naeme Ian van Hamerstede.,.[16 67; (8 ), 184pp]; 16) Een nieuw ende vremt monster strydende. .,.[1669; 12 3 pp]. Worn. Binding stained and soiled. Just Good. Seller Inventory # 029508
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