Katharine Jeannette Bush. Papers on Mollusca.

Bush, K. J.

Used Soft cover

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New Haven, CT, and other places, 1883-1909. 16 malacological papers in one (including seven original papers). 8vo (22.6 x 14.8 cm). Numerous pages and plates. Green buckram with gilt title on the spine. = The American malacologist Richard Irwin Johnson (1925-2020) wrote a series of biographies and bibliographies of American malacological authors in the series, Occasional Papers on Mollusks, published by the Museum of Comparative Zoology, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. As a basis for these papers, he accumulated the published works of these malacologists in one or more bound, chronologically arranged, convolutes, often adding previous biographies, obituaries, etc. He sometimes used original offprints or excerpts - this is certainly true for many of the more obscure works - and also photocopies of texts already contained elsewhere in his vast library, e.g., in serials such The Nautilus, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, and the Proceedings of the United States National Museum. This is his convolute of the works of Katherine Jeannette Bush (1852-1937), eminent scientist and first lady of American malacology. In this convolute, seven papers - including most larger ones - are original offprints, often with the printed front wrappers, and several are inscribed by Bush, including one to Alexander Agassiz, viz., Additions to the shallow-water Mollusca of Cape Hatteras, N. C., dredged by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," in 1883 and 1884. Johnson's bi(bli)ography of Bush was published in Occ. Pap. Moll. 67, Molluscan Taxa of Addison Emery Verrill and Katharine Jeannette Bush, including those introduced by Sanderson Smith and Alpheus Hyatt Verrill (1989). Also included: A photocopy of an eight-page paper by J. E. Remington, Katharina Jeannette Bush: Peabody's mysterious zoologist. In all a very interesting, unique item. Seller Inventory # 75369

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Bibliographic Details

Title: Katharine Jeannette Bush. Papers on Mollusca.
Binding: Soft cover

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