From Sims Reed Ltd ABA ILAB, London, United Kingdom Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since 01 December 1999
Single sheet of card. (138 x 320 mm). Lithograph illustration in bistre by Jules Chéret above printed letterpress text in black (see below). A scarce ephemeral illustrated invitation to the second Bal des Quatr'z'Arts held at the Moulin-Rouge in 1893. Held on Feburary 9th, the 'Bal Costumé' began at midnight and continued until 5 o'clock. As the invitation, in an effort to encourage original and interesting costume, states: 'Le costume est de rigueur, la blouse, l'habit, le moine et le domino noir sont interdits'. The invitation, with the lithograph by Jules Chéret, features a stamped number (no. 2621, suggesting a large number of guests) and the owner's name 'Monsieur [printed] Delfau', written in the appropriate space in black ink. The invitation also bears the stamp of the 'Ecole des Beaux-Arts / Atelier Laloux'. Seller Inventory # 47075
Title: Invitation Card for the 1893 Bal des ...
Publisher: Le Comité du Bal des Quatr'z'Arts., (Paris).
Publication Date: 1893
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