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12mo, 160 x 98 mms., pp. 48. BOUND WITH: The Ladies' Diary: Or Woman's Almanack, for the Year of our Lord 1806. Containing New Improvements in Arts and Sciences, and Many Entertaining Particulars designed for the Use and Diversion of the Fair Sex. The Hundred-&-third Almanack published of this Kind. London: Printed for the Company of Stationers, by J. Adlard.And sold by G. Greenhill., [1806]. 12mo, 160 x 98 mms., pp. 48, with woodcut image of a lady on the title-page. BOUND WITH: Vox Stellarum: Or a Loyal Almanack For the Year of Human Redemption 1806. Being the Second after Leap Year. And the 46th of the Reign of his present Majesty. In which are contained All Things fitting for such a Work; as A Table of Terms and their Return. A remrkable Chronology; the Eclipses, And other Matters both profitable and curious. Observations on the Weather and Weather Glasses, Rain. And an Hieroglyphic adapted to the Time. By Francis Moore. London. Printed for Company of Stationers, And sold by George Greenhill. [1806]. 12mo, 160 x 98 mms., pp. 48. BOUND WITH: Merlinus Liberatus. An Almanack For the Year of our Redemption, 1806, Being the Bissextile, or Leap-Year; And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5753, And the 117th of our Deliverance by K. William From Popery and Arbitrary Govenment; But the 111th from the Horrid, Popish, Jacobite Plots. By John Partridge. London. Printed for the Company of Stationers By William Thorne.And Sold by George Greenfield.[1806]. 12mo, 160 x 98 mms., pp. 48. BOUND WITH: Old Poor Robin, An Almanack, Composed of A Variety of Subjects, both Ancient and Modern; And, for the Reader's farther Entertainment, Part in Prose, Part in Verse; Part Narrative, Part Contemplative; Part Serious, Part Comick; for the Entertinment and Improved Mind, and adapted to the meanest Capacity. Being A new improved Edition of a very old Ephemeris, for the Year of our Lord 1806. Written by Poor Robin, Knight of the Burnt-Island, and Well-wisher to the Mathematics. London: Printed for the Company of Stationers, By G. Woodfall. And sold by George Greenhill. [1806]. 12mo, 160 x 98 mms., pp. 48. BOUND WITH: Speculum Anni: Or, Season on the Seasons. For the Year of our Lord 1806. Wherein you will find all Things necessary for such a Work; Sun and Moon's Rising and Setting.and other Novelties. By Henry Season. The Author's Seventy-third Impression. London: Printed for the Company of Stationers, By G. Woodfall. And sold by George Greenhill. [1806]. 12mo, 160 x 98 mms., pp. 48. BOUND WITH: Atlas ouranios, The Coelestial Atlas; Or, A New Ephemeris For the Year of our Lord 1806. Wherein are contained The Heliocentrick and Geocentrick Places of the Planets, The Eclipses of the Luminaries. And some other remarkable Phenomena that will happen this Year. To which are added several useful Tables. By Robert White. London: Printed for the Company of Stationers, By G. Woodfall. And sold by George Greenhill. [1806]. 12mo, 160 x 98 mms., pp. 48. 7 almanacs in one volume, all printed in 1806 and all printed in red and black, and with tabs or finding-strips at the fore-margin for each almanac, attractively bound in full straight-grain red morocco, gilt border on covers, all edges gilt, gilt spine (faded); a very good copy with the autograph "E. Bourne" on the recto of the second free end-paper and the autograph of "Mr. Davies" scored through. Seller Inventory # 8781
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