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Tome I: Introduction Generale a la Geographie des Orienteaux: 464 pp., 3 folding plates, contemporary half-calf with rubbed marbled boards, cracked spine, a contemporary inscription "a Mr. Juynboll offert par l?auteur" pasted verso front cover / Tome II: Premiere Partie, contenat la premiere moitie de la traduction du texte Arabe: 327 pp., contemporary cloth backed boards, lightly rubbed / LACKING Tome II: Deuxieme Partie, contenant la deuxieme moitie de la traduction du texte Arabe / Volume III: Texte Arabe publies d?apres les manuscrits de Paris et de Leyde au frais de la Societe Asiatique: XLIX (Introduction in French and Arabic), 539 pp., of Arabic text, half-title, edited and introduced by M. Reinaud and Mac Guckin de Slane, contemporary half calf, rubbed with cracked spine and damage to head, scattered foxing, book plate of Professor G.H.A. Juynboll verso front covers, Imprimerie Royale, Paris, 1840-48. Rare. The first edition of ?Kitab Taqwim al-Buldan?, with an extensive critical introduction and translation into French by Reinaud and Mac Guckin de Slane in Paris. Joseph-Toussaint Reinaud (1795-1867), studied Arabic with the help of Silvester de Sacy. He was considered to be a leading Orientalist and translated into French the monumental Arabic text of Abu?l-Fida, together with a detailed biography of Abu?l-Fida with a general introduction to Oriental geography. The translation ended abruptly in 1867 when Reinaud died. First Volume contents: Notice d'Aboulféda. Géographes arabes et persans antérieurs à Aboulféda. Doctrine géographiques des Arabes et des Orientaux en général. Second Volume contents: Arabie. Égypte. Afrique (Maghreb). Afrique (zone torride). Espagne. Îles des mers occidentales. Régions septentrionales de la terre. Bibliographic reference: Hilmy I, 11. #25095. Seller Inventory # 010914
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