From Antiquariat Daniel Schramm e.K., Kiel, Germany Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since 03 November 2010
Erlass des dänischen Königs über die Steuern bzw. Abgaben der Schleswig-Holsteiner zur Unterhaltung des Militärs: 'vor jedem Beest-Pflug zwey Tonnen Rogken, und zwey Tonnen Habern, und von jedem March-Pflug in allem sechs Tonnen Habern . bey Ausgang des nechstbevorstenden Octobris Monaths .'.- Frederick IV - We Frederick the Fourth . Offer to the . the natives of both our Hertzogthümer Schleßwig/Hollstein . Our grace, and hereby let them know what we need for the necessary maintenance of our . Militia . Given at Gottorff on September 28th. Anno 1713. with paper seal. 1 page. 33 x 42 cm. Formerly folded. Decree of the Danish king on the taxes and levies of the Schleswig-Holsteiners for the maintenance of the military: 'before each Beest plough two tons of rye, and two tons of grain, and of each March plough in all six tons of grain . at the end of the next preceding month of October .'. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 500. Seller Inventory # 77263
Title: Wir Friderich der Vierte . Entbieten denen ....
Publication Date: 1713
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