An Essay in Praise of Women: Or, A Looking-glass for Ladies To see their Perfections in. With Observations how the Godhead seemed concerned in the Creation: what respect is due to them on that account; how they have behaved in all Ages, particularly in four Saviour's time. Our modern Ladies proved no less virtuous and industrious than those in King Solomon's Time. Several Observations of their Virtue's surpassing those of Men's. Their Dress commended. The use of the Tea-Table vindication. Remarks upon Music and Dancing, and other Recreations fit for Ladies. Proper Advice for the Ladies to beware of Fortune-hunters. Exhortations to keep good Company, and Cautions to refrain bad, &c. &c.
BLAND (James);
From John Price Antiquarian Books, ABA, ILAB, LONDON, United Kingdom
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AbeBooks Seller since 26 September 2008