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FIRST EDITION. 3 volumes. 8vo, 160 x 99 mms., pp. lv [lvi blank], vii [viii blank], 208 [209 - 212 index]; [ii] 3] 4 - 288 [289 - 292 index]; [ii] [3] - 270 [271 - 273 index, 274 blank], engraved portrait frontispiece in volume 1, contemporary straight grain blue morocco, gilt roll border on each cover, spines ornately gilt in compartments, blue morocco labels, all edges gilt, marbled end-papers; rear paste-down end-paper in volume three with what looks and feels like a white natural flaw in the marbling process, but a fine and attractive set. The Italian literary critic and poet Giovanni Mario Crescimbeni (1663 1728) published Istoria Della Volgar Poesia in 1698 and his Commentarii Intorno alla sua Istoria della Volgar Poesia in 1702 - 1711. The "Avvertimento" to the present volumes states, "L'Edizione seguita nella ristampa di questi scelti Commentarj è intitolata; 'L'Istoria della Volgar Poesia Scritta da Gio. Marion Crescimbini.nella Seconda Impressione, fatta l'anno 1714., e in questa Terza publicata unitamente co i Commentarj .In Venezia. Presso Lorenzo Basegio.' In Sei Volume in 4to." Mathias's introduction "Ai Poetici ed Eruditi Lettori Inglesi" occupies ight pages before the contents. Thomas James Mathias (1753/4 - 1835) was perhaps a better Italian scholar than as an English satirist, though his Pursuits of Literature, or, What you will, published in 1794 was a popular book for many years. He began publishing editions of Italian literature in 1802 and moved to Italy permanently in 1817. Seller Inventory # 9190
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