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- Octavo, 8-1/2 inches high by 5-1/2 inches wide. Hardcover, 28 pamphlets bound into three-quarter brown leather and dark green cloth. The ownership initials of Arthur Gardiner Butler, "A.G. Butler", are stamped in gilt on the front cover. The rear cover is detached and the spine has perished and is thus lacking. Pages (i)-28 illustrated with a plate & pages (29)-50, and [2]; pages 169-187, [1]; and pages 115-120; pages (1)-23 and [1]; pages (1)-34, illustrated with a folding plate; pages (385)-390; 523-529, and [1], illustrated with a color plate; pages ix-xvi; pages 93-104; pages (43)-52; pages (83)-94; pages (339)-348; pages (227)-237 and [1]; pages (319)-328; pages (155)-161 and [1]; pages 233-244; pages 1-85 and [1]; pages (1)-22; pages (89)-124; pages (1)-17 and [2]; pages (136)-146 & (147)-150; pages (1)-60 illustrated with 2 plates; pages 1-28; pages (1)-4; pages 1-52 illustrated with 2 plates; pages (1)-7 and [1]; pages 1-11 illustrated with a plates; and pages (1)-72 illustrated with 3 color plates. Three of the pamphlets are quite darkened and are fragile. A few pages are foxed. In otherwise good to very good condition. Following is a description of the contents of the volume:1) A.R. Grote: Check List of the Noctuidae of America, North of Mexico. Part 1: "Bombyciae and Noctuelitae (Nonfasciatae)". 28 pages, plus a plate. Buffalo, 1875. Part 2: "Noctuelitae (Fasciatae), Deltoides and Noctuo-Phalaenidi". Pages 29-50. Buffalo, 18762) A.R. Grote: Descriptions of Noctuidae, Chiefly from California. Pages 169-187 extracted from the "Bulletin United states Geological Survey". 3) Aug. R. Grote: Notes on a Collection of Noctuid Moths Made in Colorado in 1875 by Dr. A.S. Packard, Jr. Pages 115-120, extracted from the "Bulletin United States Geological Survey".4) Chas. V. Riley: Notes on the Yucca Borer (Megathymus Yuccae.) An offprint from the Transactions of the Academy of Science St. Louis, Vol. III, January 1876,published St. Louis, MO., 1876. 23 pages with textual illustrations.5) Samuel H. Scudder: Description of the Larva and Chrysalis of Papilio Eurymedon Boisd., of California. ENTOMOLOGICAL NOTES III. From the Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, Vol. XIII, 1870. 34 pages, with a folding plate.6) Francis Darwin, M.B.: On the Structure of the Proboscis of Ophideres fullonica, an Orange-Sucking Moth. Pages 385-390, with textual illustrations.7) Rev. R.P. Murray, M.A.: Descriptions of some new species belonging to the genus Lycaena. Pages 523-529, with a color plate, extracted from the Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, December 1874.8) W.L. Distant: The Geographical Distribution of Danais Archippus. Pages 93-104, extracted from the Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, June 1877.9) Frederic Moore, F.Z.S.: Descriptions of Asiatic Diurnal Lepidoptera. Pages43-52, an offprint from the Annals and Magazine of Natural History for July 1877.10) Frederic Moore, F.Z.S.: New Species of Heterocerous Lepidoptera of the Tribe Bombyces, collected by Mr. W.B. Pryer chiefly in the District of Shanghai. Pages 83-94, an offprint from the Annals and Magazine of Natural History for August 1877.11) Frederic Moore, F.Z.S.:Descriptions of Ceylon Lepidoptera. Pages 339-348, an offprint from the Annals and Magazine of Natural History for October 1877.12) Frederic Moore, F.Z.S.: Descriptions of New Species of Lepidoptera Collected by the Late Dr. F. Stoliczka during the Indian-Government Mission to Yarkund in 1873. Pages 227-237, an offprint from the Annals and Magazine of Natural History for March 1878.13) W.C. Hewitson: Descriptions of Twenty-Three New Species of Hesperidae from his own collection. Pages 319-328, an offprint from the Annals and Magazine of Natural History for October 1877.14) Raphael Meldola, Sec. Ent. Soc.: Entomological Notes Bearing on Evolution. Pages 155-161, an offprint from the Annals and Magazine of Natural History for February 1878.15) W.F. Kirby, Assistant Naturalist, Seller Inventory # 98061
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