De Bono Paupertatis seu de contemptu et vanitate mundi aureus libellus, erutus olim e membranis scholiisque illustratus, opera et studio A. Schott, et ab eodem Coloniae an. 1619 editus, nune vero novis curis in lucem emissus, ab J.B. Malou.

Rogeri, episcopi quondam Londinensis

Published by H. Dessain, Liege, Belgium, 1863
Used Brown Cloth

From BOOKBARROW (PBFA member), Cambridge, United Kingdom Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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gilt titles spine; bevelled edges; all edges gilt; marbled endpapers; Latin text; a classic work on the value of poverty attributed to thirteenth century cleric Roger Niger, Bishop of London in 1229 & known after his death as Saint Roger of Beeleigh; small ex-libris stamp inside front e/p.; 479 pages. Size: 32mo - over 4" - 5" tall. Text is in Latin. Quantity Available: 1. Category: Religion & Theology; Classics; Christianity; Roger Niger/Saint Roger of Beeleigh/Bishop of London; England; Medieval 10th to 15thc; Latin Language; Religion & Theology. Inventory No: THG00075. Seller Inventory # THG00075

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Bibliographic Details

Title: De Bono Paupertatis seu de contemptu et ...
Publisher: H. Dessain, Liege, Belgium
Publication Date: 1863
Binding: Brown Cloth
Condition: Good
Dust Jacket Condition: N/A
Edition: First Thus.

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Published by Lüttich, 1863

Seller: Zentralantiquariat Leipzig GmbH, Leipzig, Germany

Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

Kl.-8°. XXX S., 1 Bl., 479 S. Pp. m. Rgoldpräg. u. Rsign. Einbd. etwas berieben. Sign. a. etwas stockfl. Vors. St. a. minimal stockfl. Tit. Das Werk wird Roger Niger (gest. 1241), zugeschrieben (was nicht bewiesen ist), dieser war ein Kleriker, im 13. Jh. u. Bischof von London. Er ist auch als Heiliger Roger von Beeleigh bekannt. la. Seller Inventory # 156467

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