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Sky Burial: An Eyewitness Account of China's Brutal Crackdown in Tibet - Softcover

9781879360273: Sky Burial: An Eyewitness Account of China's Brutal Crackdown in Tibet
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While traveling through Tibet in 1987 on his way to Everest, an American physician and his old college friend inadvertently walked into one of the grimmest scenes of political oppression in the world. Though they knew that Tibet had long been subject to Chinese military rule, their outrage grew as a series of demonstrations by Tibetan monks were swiftly and brutally quashed by Chinese forces.

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""Sky Burial "is the distilled truth--alternately tragic, hilarious, and rousing--of two young Americans' exposure to the joyous spirit of the Tibetan people and their courageous struggle to survive under the brutal subjugation of Chinese communist rule. It is a vivid portrait of a critical moment in Tibet's modern history. An evocative, endearing, and invaluable book."--John Avedon, author of "In Exile from the Land of Snows"

"The story is told uncommonly well by Kerr--a well-crafted text by a writer sure of his talents."--"Tibet Journal"

About the Author

Blake Kerr was born in Ithaca, New York in 1958. He graduated from Dartmouth College and Suny Buffalo School of Medicine. In 1987 he traveled to Tibet where he witnessed the violent repression of Tibetan nationalist demonstrations by Chinese police. Since then he has journeyed

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  • PublisherNoble Pr
  • Publication date1998
  • ISBN 10 1879360276
  • ISBN 13 9781879360273
  • BindingPaperback
  • Rating

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