Items related to Market Structure Analysis

Myers, James Market Structure Analysis ISBN 13: 9780877570899

Market Structure Analysis - Softcover

9780877570899: Market Structure Analysis
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Market Structure Analysis is a review of various technologies as they relate to a current conceptual model, called the behavioral market structure model. The purpose behind these technologies is to promote a greater understanding and usage of marketing structure in marketing planning. To reach this end, the following issues are discussed: -Multidimensional scaling and the four major types of measuring scales (nominal, ordinal, ratio, and interval); -Two approaches to deriving consumers' utility functions for attributes and levels of attributes; -Stefflre's approach to processes of perception, positioning, and product planning; and -The technique of benefit structure analysis, used to systematically search for needs in broadly defined markets. In this book, the authors have provided an in-depth, thorough analysis of marketing structuring, measurement theory, and measuring scales. The research collected here will prove invaluable to students and scholars of marketing, as well as economists and business firms. Dr. James H. Myers is Professor of Marketing at the Drucker School at Claremont Graduate University. Prior to Claremont University, Dr Myers taught at the University of Southern California for twenty years. Prior to his career in academia, Myers was manager of the Management Research Division at the Prudential Insurance Company's regional headquarters. He is the author of seven books and more than sixty scholarly articles. He has done extensive consulting for Frito-Lay, Pacific Gas & Electric Co., and Eastman Kodak. Edward M. Tauber is currently a corporate researcher, consultant, and divorce counselor. He earned his Ph.D. in Marketing from Cornell University. He was formerly a full professor at the University of Southern California and editor of the Journal of Advertising Research. He is the author of a variety of books, including Marketing Analysis and Decision Making and Finding the Right One After Divorce.

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  • PublisherAmer Marketing Assn
  • Publication date1977
  • ISBN 10 0877570892
  • ISBN 13 9780877570899
  • BindingPaperback

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