1814 - 1815 Seante Documents: Reports, Motions, &c. [3rd Session, 13th Congress. War of 1812]
From The Odd Book (ABAC, ILAB), Wolfville, NS, Canada
Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since 1 December 1998
From The Odd Book (ABAC, ILAB), Wolfville, NS, Canada
Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since 1 December 1998
About this Item
Collection of papers individually paged bound in chronological order. Binding is split such that some papers originally bound in may be wanting. Each paper with title page, each printed by Roger C. Weightman, Washington City. Each entry below with title page and one leaf printed recto unless otherwise noted. For the longer pieces the title page is included in pagination (as printed). Lacking rear board. Mr. Giles' Motion (Sept. 21,1814) Mr. Worthington's Motion (Sept. 21) Mr. Giles' Motion (Sept. 22) Report of the Committee to Revise the Standing Rules of the Senate (Sept. 22) Mr. Giles' Motion (Sept. 23) Message from the President of the United States, transmitting A Report from the Acting Secretary of State on Our Relations with the Continental Powers of Europe (Oct. 3) Mr. Lacock's Motion (Oct. 3) Report of the Naval Committee expressive of the Gallant Conduct of Cap. Macdonough, the Officers, Seamen, Mariners, &c. in the capturing the British squadron on Lake Champlain, on the 11th September, 1814 (Oct. 6) 4pp Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting the Official Account of the capture of the British sloop of war Epervier, by the United States' sloop Peacock, commanded by Captain Lewis Warringtonon the twenty-ninth April last (Oct. 10) 8pp Report of the Joint Committee, on the Library of Congress (Oct 7) Report of the Naval Committee expressive of the Gallant Conduct of Cap. Warrington in the capture of the British sloop of war Epervier (Oct. 10) Report of the Naval Committee expressive of the Gallant Conduct of Captain Blakeley, in the capture of the British sloop of war Reindeer (Oct. 17) Mr. Fromentin's Motion (Oct. 21) Mr. German's Motion (Oct. 21) Mr. Bledsoe's Motion (Nov. 3) Report of the Committee on the Petition of Bowie and Kurtz and Others, owners of the ship Allegany (Nov. 4) 7pp Mr. Dana's Motions (Nov. 5) Mr. Mason's Motion (Nov. 7) Mr. Fromentin's Motion (Nov. 7) Mr. Horsey's Motions (Nov. 19) Report of the Joint Committee, authorized to contract for the Library of Mr. Jefferson, late President of the United States (Nov. 28) Report of the Committee on Naval Affairs, on the resolutions of seventh inst. (Nov. 28) 8 pp Mr. Anderson's Motion (Nov. 30) Mr. Horsey's Motion (Dec. 6) Report of the Committee on Naval Affairs, on the resolutions of second inst. (Dec. 8) 4 pp Mr. Lacock's Motion (Dec. 8) Report of the Committee to whom was referred: The amendments from the house of representatives, to the bill "to authorize the president of the United States to call upon the several states and territories thereof, for their respective quotas of eighty thousand four hundred and thirty militia, for the defence of the frontiers of the United States" (Dec. 17) 4pp Mr. Hunter's Motion (Dec. 21) Mr. King's Motion (Dec. 27) Mr. Daggett's Motion (Dec. 27) Mr. Varnum's Motion (Dec. 29) Mr. Horsey's Motion (Jan. 2, 1815) Message from the President of the United States, transmitting A Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, containing a statement of proceedings under the "Act to regulate the laying out and making a road from Cumberland, in the state of Maryland, to the state of Ohio" (Jan. 2) 7pp Mr. Bledsoe's Motion (Jan. 5) Mr. Dana's Motion (Jan. 9) Mr. Mason's Motion (Jan. 10) Report of the Committee on Military Affairs to whom was referred the resolution of the second inst. (Jan. 16) Documents accompanying the bill reported by the Committee for the relief of Edward Barry and George Hodge (Jan. 18) 4pp Resolution of the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the Mississippi Territory, relative to the propositions of the British ministers at Ghent (Jan. 21) Report of the Committee to whom was referred the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, containing a statement of proceedings under the act to regulate the laying out and making a road from Cumberland, in the state of Maryland, Seller Inventory # Books013566
Bibliographic Details
Title: 1814 - 1815 Seante Documents: Reports, ...
Publisher: Roger C. Weightman, Washington City
Publication Date: 1815
Binding: quarter leather; disbound
Condition: Good
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