Lyra: an anthology of new lyric. Edited by Alex Comfort and Robert Greacen. [With a preface by ... Lyra: an anthology of new lyric. Edited by Alex Comfort and Robert Greacen. [With a preface by ... Lyra: an anthology of new lyric. Edited by Alex Comfort and Robert Greacen. [With a preface by ...

Lyra: an anthology of new lyric. Edited by Alex Comfort and Robert Greacen. [With a preface by Herbert Read]

Published by Billericay: Grey Walls Press, 1942
Used Hardcover

From James Fergusson Books & Manuscripts, London, United Kingdom Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

AbeBooks Seller since 25 October 2011

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Endpapers rather spotted, dustwrapper rubbed and slightly frayed at spine, and a little marked. With the (Alan Anderson, "Call me Ishmael", and Will Carter, blue) book-labels of the bookseller, crime writer and sometime poet George Sims. "This anthology appears in the third year of a war which every day reveals more clearly its apocalyptic character: it is not war in the ordinary sense which we are enduring, but a world revolution in which all conventions, whether of thought or action, break down and are replaced - not by new conventions, for conventions are of slow growth - but by provisional formulas which are immediately tested under fire" (Herbert Read). Contributors include G.S. Fraser, Wrey Gardner, J.H. (i.e. James) Kirkup, Nicholas Moore, Norman Nicholson, Anne Ridler, Tambimuttu, Henry Treece, Vernon Watkins. Seller Inventory # 32M100285

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Bibliographic Details

Title: Lyra: an anthology of new lyric. Edited by ...
Publisher: Billericay: Grey Walls Press
Publication Date: 1942
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Very Good
Dust Jacket Condition: Dust Jacket Included
Edition: 1st Edition

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