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Spine somewhat marked at foot, lower corners a little bumped, first and last pages embrowned. "[M]y chief aim and intention in issuing this work . . . is to try and help in giving an impetus to the love I believe my fellow Celts have for Nature and poetry, in as simple a way as possible, for the study of Nature is a science and whatever tends to assist such study is in itself poetical and refining. Emerson says that unpoetical science is false, and what race is more poetical and imaginative than the Celt? Goethe did not believe that a good naturalist could exist without this faculty, while Wordsworth says, 'Nature never did betray the heart that loved her,' and Nature and Nature s works are poetry, be it the humblest flower of the field, or the animal which feeds upon it." Subscribers include J.M. Barrie, Sir Archibald Geikie and Andrew Lang. Alexander Robert Forbes (c1845-1924), sometime Depute Keeper in the Minute Book Office of the Court of Session, was also author of Place-names of Skye and Adjacent Islands (1923). He was the son of the Rev John Forbes, minister of Sleat and author of A Double Grammar of English and Gaelic (1843), and the great-grandfather, the television programme Who Do You Think You Are? revealed, of the comedian David Mitchell. Seller Inventory # S100121
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