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  • Massimo Arcangeli

    Published by Peter Lang Mrz 2023, 2023

    ISBN 10: 2875747428ISBN 13: 9782875747426

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Attempts to conceal grammatical gender, dictated by the 'inclusive' desire to overcome the simple distinction between masculine and feminine (gender binarism) and make room for the neutral, affect the national languagesof a variety of Western countries with increasing frequency and intensity, with the risk of weakening or compromising the functioning of the languages' supporting structures. A grammatical innovation has a very different impact from a neologism, and when that innovation, under the excuse of inclusion, ends up infiltrating a public act, or any other text issued or produced by a public entity, penetrating it in a pervasive way, the institutional endorsement should set off the alarm bells. In our case, simplicistically overlapping two levels that must instead be kept distinct - one 'structural' (technical-linguistic) and the other 'superstructural' (socio-cultural) - means that, in the growth economy of an entire community of speakers and writers, the structures of an idiom, above all if stratified over time, are bent to accommodate the desires of those who, against all logic and the most elementary common sense, expect immediate changes that would upset or crack the linguistic system. This ends up making even the simple decodingof information difficult. 110 pp. Englisch.

  • Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Più di un secolo prima del consolidamento dei modelli petrarchisti del periodo aragonese, emersero a Napoli due lirici i cui componimenti riecheggiano i poeti toscani e, soprattutto, Petrarca: Guglielmo Maramauro e Bartolomeo di Capua, conte di Altavilla. Questi due autori sono stati ignorati dalla critica recente nonostante l¿importanza della loro produzione, soprattutto per il loro ruolo di anticipatori nell¿imitazione dei modelli poetici toscani nel Mezzogiorno italiano.Il libro Due pionieri trecenteschi del petrarchismo napoletano: Guglielmo Maramauro e Bartolomeo di Capua studia la Napoli del Trecento e la sua permeabilità alla lingua e alla cultura toscana, presenta i dati biografici di entrambi gli autori e include la prima edizione critica e commentata dei loro sonetti. 124 pp. Italienisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Sprachbarrieren sind in öffentlichen Einrichtungen keine Seltenheit. Um sie abzubauen, werden Sprachmittlerinnen und Sprachmittler benötigt. In diesem Buch wird aufgezeigt, wie eine flächendeckende, effektive und rechtskonforme Versorgung mit Sprachmittlung etabliert werden kann. Hierfür wird erstmals der Bedarf an Sprachmittlung in öffentlichen Einrichtungen realistisch eingeschätzt. Organisationsmodelle für eine bedarfsgerechte Vermittlung von Sprachmittlungsleistungen werden ebenso vorgestellt wie rechtliche Aspekte und Qualifikationsprofile. Die formulierten Handreichungen sind wissenschaftlich fundiert und an der Praxis orientiert. Das Buch richtet sich vor allem an diejenigen, die an innovativen Konzepten für den systematischen Umgang mit Sprachbarrieren in Deutschland interessiert sind. 172 pp. Deutsch.

  • Simon Bacon

    Published by Peter Lang Ltd. International Academic Publishers Mrz 2023, 2023

    ISBN 10: 1800792573ISBN 13: 9781800792579

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -What's in the Deep This companion explores the myths and legends of merfolk and sea monsters to navigate our transcultural pasts and environmental presents and explain our endless fascination with the sea. More than any other time in human history, our relationship to the oceans and the creatures of the Deep has come into focus, not just as an environment to be explored, exploited and, more recently, poisoned, but as source of both our deepest anxieties and possible futures. In 31 original essays by experts in their respective fields, the Deep is brought to life, from representations of mythological sea creatures to present-day visions of the blue environment. As our place in the world and our effects upon it become increasingly contentious, The Deep offers ways in which we might re-experience and realign ourselves to the watery world that covers the majority of the earth's surface and become part of a shared, more ecological, future. 348 pp. Englisch.

  • Amy E. Robillard

    Published by Peter Lang Mrz 2023, 2023

    ISBN 10: 1433199572ISBN 13: 9781433199578

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -When Andrew Cuomo was forced to resign as governor of New York in August 2021, a commentator on CNN remarked that he had 'not gotten his own memo' on sexual harassment that he had signed into law two years earlier. Misogyny in English Departments theorizes the results of a qualitative empirical study of the ways women in U.S. college and university English departments experience misogyny, and the effects that misogyny has on their personal and professional lives. It seems that we in English departments, too, have not gotten our own memos. English departments market themselves as spaces of equity and diversity, as dedicated to inclusivity and social justice, as committed to rooting out injustices like misogyny via such means as socially just, feminist, and critical pedagogies. We are some of the very people who teach students to recognize and fight back against social injustices like misogyny, and yet, as the women the author interviews demonstrate in this book, we are no less likely to engage in gender-based discriminatory and abusive practices. 162 pp. Englisch.

  • Scott Parrott

    Published by Peter Lang Mrz 2023, 2023

    ISBN 10: 1433188090ISBN 13: 9781433188091

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -The mass media are an important source of information about mental health, yet television shows, news stories, social media posts, and other media fare often perpetuate stereotypes and misunderstandings about mental illness. For 70 years, scholars in media studies, psychology, sociology, and other fields have investigated media representations of mental illness and how exposure to media content informs people's beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors related to mental health. Despite the attention, little progress has been made in changing these messages and mitigating negative outcomes. Enter Media & Mental Health. This book flips the issue on its head, examining the question: Can the problem be a solution Informed by budding lines of research from media studies, psychology, and other fields, this book discusses ways in which television, music, movies, news, social media, and other mass media fare may challenge the stigmatization of mental illness. It contains insight that is valuable for both academic and lay audiences, including 'best practices' for mental health professionals, activists, and organizations to help reduce stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination and to improve public understanding of this oft-misunderstood part of the human experience. 176 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Pocos conceptos han adquirido un carácter más polisémico y omnipresente en los últimos tiempos, en una esfera que excede los estudios de comunicación, que el de desinformación. La desinformación se ha convertido en un compañero de viaje aparentemente inevitable de la comunicación en sí, y con ello ha interferido en todo tipo de procesos políticos, económicos y sociales.Este libro se propone analizar cómo afecta la desinformación, en sus diversas acepciones, a la configuración y el funcionamiento del ecosistema comunicativo. El objetivo es desarrollar una reflexión teórica que permita ofrecer una visión panorámica de los principales cambios que ha experimentado el sector y que propician un incremento y/o diversificación de la desinformación. El lector interesado en el análisis de la desinformación encontrará aquí un conjunto de reflexiones teóricas que entendemos valiosas, como conjunto y también consideradas aisladamente. Se trata de análisis que parten de una revisión crítica de la literatura, fundamentalmente ubicada en el ámbito específico de la comunicación política, pero con ramificaciones en campos conexos, como la historia de la comunicación o la estructura de los medios de comunicación y las industrias culturales. Dichos análisis, además, a menudo conllevan propuestas metodológicas específicas para abordar el estudio de la desinformación en planos hasta ahora poco explorados. 208 pp. Spanisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Ausgehend von der Rolle der Technologie in der heutigen Gesellschaft und der Effekte, die sie auf die Entwicklungen der Individuen hat, widmet sich dieser Band dem Verhältnis von Natur und Künstlichkeit im Rahmen literarischer Schaffensprozesse. Mit dem Ziel, dem Problem des Künstlichen theoretisch näher zu kommen, geht der vorliegende Band dem Wechselverhältnis von Natur und Kunst in der Literatur nach und spannt dabei einen weiten Bogen, der von Heinrich von Kleist bis Martin Mosebach reicht, über Robert Musil, Max Bense und viele andere. Etablierte und junge WissenschaftlerInnen gehen gemeinsam der Frage nach, wie Künstlichkeit im Kunstwerk und im Verhältnis zur Natur zu fassen ist und zeigen neue Perspektiven und Zugänge auf, die gerade im Hinblick auf die zunehmend digitalisierten Gesellschaften von großer Relevanz sind. Der Aufbruch der starren Gegensätzlichkeit zwischen Natur und Künstlichkeit, das Umdenken ihres Verhältnisses sowie eine positive Konnotation des Künstlichkeitsbegriffs eröffnen Denkszenarien, die sich auch für zukünftige Studien als wegweisend herausstellen werden. 130 pp. Deutsch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Often regarded as one of life's few certainties, death is both instantly familiar to us and deeply mysterious. Death is everywhere, yet few of us take the time to consider its significance in shaping human lives. This book addresses the difficult, complex, sensitive subject of death from a unique point of view. Drawing on insights from philosophers across the ages, the authors argue that death is a matter of profound educational importance. Paying particular attention to thinkers in the existentialist tradition, Philosophy, Death and Education shows that our understanding of death can play a key role in determining what, how and why we teach and learn. Death exerts an influence, often unnoticed, on our commitments and priorities, our ideals and relationships. A thoughtful examination of death, the authors suggest, can help us to see ourselves in a new light, and in so doing, allow us to better appreciate what others have to offer. 142 pp. Englisch.

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -The curricular reform of 2016 presented us with a unique opportunity to compare children who had followed the previous early childhood curriculum in Slovakia with children who attended preschool after the successful implementation of the new preschool curriculum. Our book is based on the findings of research carried out in the ecologically valid environment of Slovak preschools. The results offer a unique perspective on literacy development in the context of a national reform implementation that had a direct impact on educational practice. 132 pp. Englisch.

  • Susanne Hartwig

    Published by Peter Lang Mrz 2023, 2023

    ISBN 10: 363189659XISBN 13: 9783631896594

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -How do people with and without disabilities work together in the artistic process This volume is a compilation of 14 interviews with directors and producers of European feature films that enriches the understanding of interabled dynamics in creative ventures. It highlights the work of actors with learning disabilities, along with, behind the scenes knowledge of the casting process, training methods, brainstorming sessions to incorporate their inputs, production process, unforeseen challenges that they encounter on sets and the critical and audience reception of the film. It is also an attempt to explore if such films could be categorised as belonging to the 'inclusive films' genre. The volume concludes with reflections on the limits and possibilities of artistic expression offered by theatre and films to the people with learning disabilities. 186 pp. Englisch, Deutsch.

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -La aceleración de la modernidad tardía, estudiada por los sociólogos P. Virilio, N. Aubert, H. Rosa, afecta a diversas artes como el cine, el vídeo. Partiendo de las teorías sociológicas, el análisis detenido del teatro, considerado habitualmente como un género al margen de este fenómeno, muestra que la representación de la aceleración está cada vez más presente en él. Los autores de este libro, desde distintas perspectivas, analizan las principales características formales así como la tematización de la aceleración en los diálogos, revelando diversas representaciones de la aceleración en los textos dramáticos contemporáneos, principalmente españoles, y en el espectáculo teatral. 186 pp. Spanisch.

  • Malika Hamidi

    Published by Peter Lang Mrz 2023, 2023

    ISBN 10: 2875744070ISBN 13: 9782875744074

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. Neuware -Ces dernières années, un intérêt croissant se manifeste de manière récurrente autour d'un thème incontestablement politique en Occident comme dans le monde musulman : la politisation du corps des femmes musulmanes dans l'espace public, véritable champ de bataille en temps de crises, et notamment dans le contexte actuel marqué par la prééminence du fait ethnique et religieux. C'est dans ce contexte que l'on voit émerger un nouveau profil de femmes à la fois féministes et musulmanes, dont la «rhétorique» peut paraître déroutante, voire inquiétante, mais qui est pourtant inclusive. Elles vont à la fois contester un discours islamique exacerbé à l'endroit des femmes tout en défiant la normativité d'une pensée féministe occidentale dominante qui les infantilise.Cet ouvrage illustre le passage de « l'élaboration théorique à l'agir féministe » des femmes musulmanes engagées dans cette révolution silencieuse qui émerge au début des années 90. En effet, dans ce contexte d'affirmation des féminismes musulmans en Occident, elles se réapproprient des outils conceptuels en étude de genre, comme l'approche intersectionnelle à l'aune des théories postcoloniales, qui permettent de poser la « question politique » des rapports de domination.Tout comme le mouvement «Black feminism» des années 70 aux Etats-Unis, les féministes musulmanes sont engagées dans la construction d'un «Contre-discours» théorique et pratique qui contribue à la révolution des féminismes musulmans, tout en amorçant un virage sans précédent vers une diversité inclusive. 268 pp. Französisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Ethics/morality/professional ethics is a subject that can be discussed in many aspects in the field of health sciences and social sciences. Every social event that takes place in social life is also the subject of ethics. Ethics can be dealt with in every field from education to economy, from old age to media. In this book, experts from different fields of social sciences and health sciences have revealed their relations with the main theme of ethics. In terms of social sciences, education, economy, academic studies for disadvantaged groups, old age and ethics are discussed. In terms of health sciences, health problems in nursing, psychiatry, cancer and obesity were discussed ethically. The increasing importance of the interdisciplinary approach in all fields of science is valid in the main topic of ethics. For this purpose, it is aimed to reach the richness provided by the intersection sets of different perspectives. 188 pp. Englisch.

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Dostoevsky on Guadalupe Street is a riveting collection of short essays on the impact of world literature-and Fyodor Dostoevsky in particular-on a young Latino growing up in Texas. For a searching mind attempting to find links and meanings in a dark world of fragmentation and despair, literary escape can be vitally significant. Grouped into short categories (from formative beginnings to politics and dystopia), these essays provide a historic glimpse into a nascent group of Latino writers emerging from obscurity to form one of America's newest voices. Latino writing is the fastest growing genre worldwide, and this excellent primer provides a quick study for undergraduates, graduates, and first-generation college students in journalism, education, literary studies, and the humanities. The essays are short, original, witty, and provocative-and easy to read. 'Written in lucid, luminous, and engaging prose. Dostoevsky on Guadalupe Street is a surprising, probing, edifying tour-de-force that captures literary journalism at its quintessential best. A much-needed critical discourse on the status of literature in our changing society.' -Maria Martha Brummell, Emerita, Associate Dean, Yale University; CEO of Catch the Next, Inc. (New Haven, CT)'In one of the piquant prose morsels that constitute Dostoevsky on Guadalupe Street, Rafael Castillo, an ardent aficionado of metaphor, notes that writing is for him 'a roller coaster to self-discovery.' Jouncing through topics including education, punctuation, translation, digitalization, and growing up on the West Side of San Antonio, exhilarated readers will also find themselves.'-Steven G. Kellman, Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Texas at San Antonio; Author of Rambling Prose, The Translingual Imagination, and Redemption: The Life of Henry Roth, Among Other Books'When you open Dostoevsky on Guadalupe Street, you will enter a world where imagination rules. You will not read this volume; you will inhabit it. Rafael Castillo possesses the two most important traits of a talented writer-a fierce intelligence and the grace with which to express it.' -Robert Seltzer, Former Editorial Writer for the San Antonio Express-News; Author of Amado Muro and Me: A Tale of Honesty and Deception'Rafael Castillo takes us back to his youth growing up in San Antonio's Westside, where books opened his world. Castillo's beautiful, captivating words and colorful images in Dostoevsky on Guadalupe Street bring to life la raza del Westside, who for too long were marginalized and left in the shadows. This is must-reading!'-Rogelio Saenz, Peter Flawn Professor of Geography, University of Texas at San Antonio; Author of Latinos in the United States: Diversity and Change and Opinion Writer for Latino Rebels and the New York Times 'Rafael Castillo has the concentrated power of a razor-sharp miniaturist who captures the nuance and cadence of West Side San Antonio with ease and patience of one who has observed a world through ease, mystery, and grace.'-Belinda Urdiales, Novelist and Writer with Aztlan Associates; Author of The Hidden Voice'Dostoevsky on Guadalupe Street is a compilation of essays, review, articles and op-eds that capture the life of Latinos in the Southwest with literary style and panache.'-Julian S. Garcia, Former Editor with ViAztlan: International Journal of Arts and Ideas; Author of La Fantasica Curandera 150 pp. Englisch.

  • Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas

    Published by Peter Lang Mrz 2023, 2023

    ISBN 10: 1636670873ISBN 13: 9781636670874

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Is it possible that more than 50 years after the assassination of Che Guevara, and after hundreds and perhaps thousands of biographers, analysts, journalists, and scientists researching the life and legacy of Che Guevara, it has not yet been discovered that one of Guevara's articles was published with a pseudonym in July 1967 in the most important journal of social sciences in Cuba, Pensamiento Crítico The author of this book proposes an affirmative answer to this question, revealing for the first time at a worldwide level, Che Guevara's possible authorship of a brilliant article studying the Bolivia situation in 1967, at the same time that Guevara's National Liberation Army of Bolivia was fighting against the military dictatorship of Rene Barrientos. The book provides a dense and rich series of arguments to prove this audacious historical conjecture. The reader must judge if these arguments are convincing or not. 100 pp. Englisch.

  • Yasmina Yousfi López

    Published by Peter Lang Mrz 2023, 2023

    ISBN 10: 1433191474ISBN 13: 9781433191473

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -La producción intelectual de Josefina Plá abarca numerosas disciplinas, de las cuales el teatro, en su dimensión escénica y literaria, ha quedado ensombrecido por su obra poética y narrativa. Este libro reconstruye su labor teatral como crítica, historiadora, directora, docente y dramaturga desde su arraigo en Paraguay tras la guerra civil española. Tal investigación permite plantear que el espíritu renovador de Plá puede entenderse como un motor para la desconfiguración insular de Paraguay, espacio asociado tradicionalmente al tópico insular. Así, mientras el país guaraní saltaba a la escena internacional con narradores que escribían desde el exilio como Gabriel Casaccia y Augusto Roa Bastos, algunos intelectuales insiliados, como Plá, contribuyeron a cuartear el hermetismo cultural impuesto por el stronismo. Entre otros logros, se destaca el papel de Plá al frente de la Escuela Municipal de Arte Escénico y su influencia en la constitución del teatro paraguayo independiente. Por otra parte, la recuperación y análisis de veintitrés obras teatrales inéditas construyen el corpus dramático más completo que existe de Josefina Plá hasta el momento y revelan a una dramaturga excepcional, que se movió en el campo de la expresión libre adaptándose a las tendencias estéticas más contemporáneas. El valor de esta autora nace del lugar simbólico desde el que lee el mundo, como española exiliada republicana e insiliada paraguaya. Su poliédrica propuesta intelectual, entendida como un diálogo transnacional entre España y Paraguay, invita, por lo tanto, a derribar mitos, revisar cánones y reescribir una historia cultural compartida.'La canaria Josefina Plá, poeta, ensayista, narradora, autora dramática, pedagoga teatral y directora de escena, fue una figura clave en la vida cultural, literaria y escénica del Paraguay. Sin embargo, su trayectoria vital y artística es prácticamente desconocida en España. Este libro monográfico de Yasmina Yousfi López reconstruye con rigor documental y claridad expositiva la obra de creación y de crítica de esta mujer injustamente olvidada que contribuyó decisivamente a la renovación de la escena paraguaya.'¿Manuel Aznar Soler, Catedrático emérito de literatura española contemporánea de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona'A partir de la recuperación de más de una veintena de obras inéditas y de la compilación de críticas y noticias publicadas a lo largo de medio siglo, este libro constituye la primera investigación orgánica sobre la labor teatral de Josefina Plá en Paraguay: tanto su dramaturgia como su praxis teatral son exhaustivamente analizadas con el fin de recuperar a una mujer fundamental para entender el exilio de 1939. Además, pone en valor el teatro paraguayo en el marco de la literatura latinoamericana.'¿Diego Santos Sánchez, Profesor del Departamento de Literaturas Hispánicas y Bibliografía de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid 184 pp. Spanisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -When the book titled Poems. By the Incomparable Mrs K.P. was published in 1664 Katherine Philips herself defined it as 'those fugitive papers that have escap'd my hands', expressing her reluctance to publish them and her aversion to her works appearing in print. Despite her (apparent) modesty, Orinda and her work definitely occupied an important position in the literary field of that time. This book studies the life and work of Katherine Philips (1632-1664) from a historicist and socio-critical perspective. It posits that 'the Matchless Orinda' embodies the literary shift from manuscript to printed literature, and shows how a woman poet, following in the footsteps of successful male counterparts, such as Abraham Cowley and John Dryden, was able to achieve fame in the male-dominated literary world. 216 pp. Englisch.

  • Victoria M. Tischio

    Published by Peter Lang Ltd. International Academic Publishers Mrz 2023, 2023

    ISBN 10: 1433189283ISBN 13: 9781433189289

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -International service-learning programs are growing on college and university campuses; yet little is known about how students learn from these experiences and even less is known about how hosting communities benefit from these endeavors, particularly when the projects are short-term. Journeys to South Africa: Reflections on 20 Years of Short-term Service-Learning helps fill these gaps in the knowledge about international service-learning by offering description and analysis of qualitative data gathered during 20 years of service-learning in South Africa. This book is a unique collection of college student- and faculty-authored chapters. The data includes interviews conducted with host communities, surveys of students who have participated in the ISL program, interviews with some students who participated in the program in the early 2000s, and students' travel journal entries, all of which are used to exemplify the successes and challenges of this 20-year ISL program. Journeys to South Africa provides significant insight into the two most important concerns of any service-learning program: how do students learn and communities benefit from these projects. The writing style is engaging, providing a unique combination of first-hand narratives, qualitative evidence and scholarly context. Faculty, administrators, and students who are interested in international service-learning will find enlightening the insights on the best practices and benefits of short-term international service-learning offered by Journeys to South Africa. 328 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -La responsabilité sociale en santé fait actuellement l'objet d'une attention croissante à travers le monde, et est souvent présentée comme l'une des réponses nécessaires à l'amélioration des systèmes de santé dans les pays développés. L'absence de données africaines à ce sujet a motivé la réalisation d'une enquête, qui avait pour but d'évaluer la responsabilité sociale des hôpitaux publics africains en termes de prise charge de la maladie rénale, et d'explorer les facteurs qui l'influencent en se basant sur les perceptions des patients et des médecins. Le présent travail a mis en exergue le rôle crucial de la gouvernance et de la gestion hospitalières, en impliquant les différentes parties prenantes, dans l'amélioration de la responsabilité sociale des hôpitaux, et par conséquent l'offre de soins. 244 pp. Französisch.

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Giuseppe Lombardo Radice (1879-1938) was one of the main figures in Italian pedagogy in the first half of the 20th century and collaborated with the philosopher Giovanni Gentile on the 1923 reform of the Italian school system. However, his work 'for' and 'with' many elementary school teachers also left important and long-lasting traces beyond Italy's borders, in Switzerland, Spain, Central Europe, and the North Adriatic, thanks to his intense international contacts with several scholars, foremost among them Adolphe Ferrière and Lorenzo Luzuriaga.A rediscovery of Lombardo Radice will open up new research avenues in different fields of the History of Education, History of Elementary Schools, and History of Teacher Education, because his original thinking about the primacy of the educational relationship between teacher and pupils, a new concept of school discipline and his idea of the scuola serena also accorded him a unique role in the international movement of New School Education. Moreover, his research among previously unknown popular elementary schools in Italy and the Italian-speaking Tessin region in Switzerland adopted a heuristic perspective, comparable to current studies on the material culture of schools. 172 pp. Englisch.

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Gegenstand der Arbeit ist die rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung der historischen Entstehung und Entwicklung der Gründungsvoraussetzungen des GmbH-Gesetzes und der damit einhergehenden Diskussion im Zeitraum von 1876 bis 1939. Nach der Analyse der Entstehungsgeschichte der initialen Gründungsvorschriften der GmbH wird die hierzu geäußerte Kritik seitens Vertretern der Rechtswissenschaften, der Rechtspolitik sowie der Wirtschaft untersucht. Im Anschluss hieran werden die seit dem Jahre 1909 viel diskutierten Reformdebatten über das GmbH-Gesetz mit einem Blick auf das Gründungsrecht beleuchtet. 180 pp. Deutsch.

  • Lisbeth Frølunde

    Published by Peter Lang Mrz 2023, 2023

    ISBN 10: 1800799349ISBN 13: 9781800799349

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -«A brilliant, touching and thought-provoking book. Moving Along merges academic research with personal narrative and beautifully rendered drawings to create a one-of-a-kind book that contributes fresh and compelling perspectives. This life-affirming graphic novel is essential reading for anyone interested in Parkinson's and the power of art and community to sustain and nurture the human spirit.»(David Leventhal, Program Director and Founding Teacher, Dance for PD®, Mark Morris Dance Group, Brooklyn, NY USA)«This is a wonderfully accessible book that has been co-created by people living with Parkinson's, researchers and artists. In the true-to-life stories, the anxieties and challenges of living with Parkinson's are explored in evocative cartoons. Yet , as well as talking about the challenges, the book has the joy of dancing at its heart. Dance has proved to be an exceptionally good catalyst for living well with Parkinson's and this graphic novel illustrates individual journeys through Parkinson's and into dance. For anyone curious about dancing who now lives with Parkinson's, or knows someone who does, this book is for you. For anyone interested in graphic medicine, dance for wellbeing, or arts in healthcare, this book is an important addition to the literature. »(Professor Sara Houston, author of Dancing with Parkinson's)Meet Hugo, Karen, Alma, Helene, Anne-Marie, Poul, Lone, and Eskild, who go to Parkinson's dance class together. They are characters in this graphic novel, which is based on many stories about Parkinson's. The stories come from participants in Parkinson's dance who have talked about how dance involves bodily, aesthetic experiences, including the feeling of bubbles in their bodies and flying together. Dancing brings joy, energy, and community, and thereby strengthens the will to live, all important when a chronic illness turns your world upside down.This book, a co-produced research-based graphic novel, is designed for use in the fields of arts and health, medical humanities, graphic medicine, and narrative medicine. It is also written for people with Parkinson's, or other chronic diseases, and their families. The book invites dialogue about the existential dimensions of chronic illness, especially Parkinson's, and long-term caregiving. 184 pp. Englisch.

  • Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Toward a Re-Emergence of James Moffett's Mindful, Spiritual, and Student-Centered Pedagogy is an edited collection comprised of thirteen original chapters and two vital reprints of Moffett's work that have been out of print for more than thirty years. All of the contributions in this volume are dedicated to pushing forward Moffett's prescient ideas into the contemporary contexts of teaching, learning, and the language arts which inform current discussions of holistic education. The volume offers scholars, educational professionals, teachers, and graduate students of writing studies, rhetoric, composition, and English education a practical guide to understanding the theory, methodology, and praxis of James Moffett. This text is perfect for scholars at all levels who are focused on language learning, writing and composition, and mindfulness and spirituality in teaching and learning or teacher educators seeking inventive approaches to literacy learning which account for holistic conceptions of development and the theory and history of composition.The volume begins with an in-depth introduction to Moffett's work for those new to Moffett studies and offers readers the tools to deepen or begin the study of Moffett's ideas as well as resources for continuing that work beyond this volume. 'No history of the National Writing Project, or of English Language Arts teaching more generally, would be complete without a rich engagement with the work and ideas of James Moffett. Written during the tumultuous 1960's, Moffett's central books, Teaching the Universe of Discourse and A Student-Centered Language Arts Curriculum, sparked a paradigm shift in how the profession came to understand the purpose and substance of teaching language and literacy. As current teachers grapple with another tumultuous time, Toward a Re-Emergence of James Moffett's Mindful, Spiritual, and Student-Centered Pedagogy is a book that will help them (re)discover the nurturing and humanistic underpinnings of their calling.'-Elyse Eidman-Aadahl, Executive Director, National Writing Project 'This collection re-introduces a profoundly influential but largely forgotten voice in English education-especially writing instruction-to a generation that feels his influence in the very intellectual air we breathe, too often without knowing his name. James Moffett was at the molten center of political controversies over language, schooling, and censorship a generation ago that still inflame school board meetings and legislative battles today. Yet he was also a pioneer and prophet of the mindfulness turn in education and the broader culture that is powerfully alive in ways that he advanced from mid-career until his untimely death in 1996. The essays here (including his own, 'Writing, Inner Speech, and Meditation') reintroduce and reinterpret him for us at a time when his voice of courage, comfort, and composure are urgently needed.'-David R. Russell, Professor Emeritus, Iowa State University 282 pp. Englisch.

  • Daniela De Liso

    Published by Peter Lang Mrz 2023, 2023

    ISBN 10: 2875746197ISBN 13: 9782875746191

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -L¿esperienza della pandemia da Covid-19 ha cambiato il modo di parlare di malattia, creando nuove connessioni tra l¿esperienza privata e la sua rappresentazione pubblica. Per quanto già esistesse, soprattutto nella critica americana, una consistente riflessione sulla componente narrativa della malattia e si percepisse l¿esigenza di analizzarla in un¿ottica letteraria, gli eventi hanno reso urgente un¿analisi sulle intersezioni tra letteratura e medicina. Il volume investiga la traduzione retorica e narrativa dell¿esperienza della malattia : dal linguaggio alle strategie testuali, alle interferenze con la scienza, alla presenza di un immaginario non sempre affidato alla parola. I saggi si confrontano con il rimosso e con il trauma, con le afasie e il pudore di esperienze private o con il valore quasi epico e fondativo di quelle collettive, restituendo la complessità di un dibattito scientifico e interdisciplinare, e rispondendo all¿esigenza di interrogarsi su uno scambio reciproco tra letteratura e medicina. 274 pp. Italienisch.

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -L'objectif principal de ce volume est de rassembler les expériences d'un grand nombre de projets de doctorat et de post-doctorat en cours ou récemment achevés dans des contextes de plurilinguisme et d'hétérogénéité, en mettant l'accent en particulier sur la dimension méthodologique de ces recherches.The volume is composed of 12 studies focusing on the key questions related to the methods in research on pluri- and multilingualism. The studies combine research on pluri- and multilingualism experiencing linguistic heterogeneity. This is the normal case today both in migration societies and in societies that have been shaped by colonial experiences till date. 246 pp. Englisch, Französisch.

  • Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Ce volume collectif, fruit de travail d'un groupe international de recherche sur la néologie par emprunt dans diverses langues européennes (le français, l'italien, le polonais, le tchèque), se concentre autour de trois axes principaux :- l'examen des questions théoriques relatives à la méthodologie de recensement et de traitement des innovations lexicales d'origine étrangère ;- l'examen de différents modèles et patrons lexicaux empruntés, récurrents dans les langues prises en compte ;- l'examen des domaines où l'emprunt est particulièrement présent ainsi que l'analyse des tendances auxquelles ce phénomène obéit dans les langues étudiées.De nombreux éléments puisés à l'anglais circulent aujourd'hui dans différentes langues en remplissant le rôle de témoins de l'actualité qu'ils représentent. 266 pp. Französisch.

  • Michael H. Mitias

    Published by Peter Lang Mrz 2023, 2023

    ISBN 10: 3631899440ISBN 13: 9783631899441

    Seller: BuchWeltWeit Ludwig Meier e.K., Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This book is an elucidation and defense of four main propositions: (1) human nature is essentially rational; (2) rational nature is a conversation; (3) as the essential fabric of human nature, the reason exists as a potentiality in the formal organization of the human body; and (4) at the individual and collective levels, humanity grows and develops in the medium of conversation. Moreover, human nature is the unity of the capacities of intellect, which aims at the value of truth, goodness, which aims at the value of human love or happiness, and will, which aims at the value of freedom. Accordingly, in any type of human dialogue, or conversation, the dialogist should act as a human being and treats the other dialogist as a human being. This assumption underlies the analysis of the basic types of individual and inter-institutional dialogue. 202 pp. Englisch.

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    Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -The Technological Unconscious in Contemporary Fiction in English analyzes the way in which contemporary English-language prose explores the role that the broadly understood environment plays in shaping human consciousness, with particular emphasis on technological aspects of this environment. The discussion of the chosen literary texts aims to demonstrate that contemporary narrative fiction in English presents consciousness as inextricably linked with the surrounding technological environment. Using a wide range of narrative techniques and referring to a variety of consciousness models, the analyzed texts also show that the connection between technology and consciousness is often invisible to the human agent due to the ubiquity and transparency of the technology. 196 pp. Englisch.

  • Buch. Condition: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Das Buch stellt die Konstruktion als deutschdidaktisches Tätigkeitsfeld neu vor. Mit Konstruktion sind all jene Tätigkeitsbereiche gemeint, in denen die Fachdidaktik produktiv auf Lehr- und Lernprozesse einwirkt - in denen sie also Lehren und Lernen nicht nur forschend beobachtet und reflektiert, sondern auch aktiv mitgestaltet und entwickelt. Autorinnen und Autoren aus Deutschdidaktik und Schule diskutieren und reflektieren die Konstruktion aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven. Das Buch plädiert für eine Stärkung der Konstruktion in der Didaktik im Sine einer Aufwertung wie einer Professionalisierung. 256 pp. Deutsch.