Theodore Roosevelt Writes To His Future Secretary Of War Elihu Root About Founding The Federal Club Of New York: "I Think There Is Room For Such A One"



From Stuart Lutz Historic Documents, Inc., South Orange, NJ, U.S.A. Seller rating 2 out of 5 stars 2-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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ALS. 2pg. 4" x 6". March 27, 1889. 689 Madison Avenue, New York. An early autograph letter signed "Theodore Roosevelt" addressed to Roosevelt's future Secretary of War and Secretary of State Elihu Root. Thirty-one year old Roosevelt wrote "My dear Root, I enclose one of the blanks at which your haughty soul revolted; but I hope you will sign it and send it back; if we manage it well I think quite a good club can be made out of the Federal; and I think there is room for such a one." Roosevelt refers to the Federal Club of New York, a political group that supported Roosevelt early in his political career. He frequently spoke at the club and briefly helped run. It is penned on pages one and three of four page stationery, and the pages have been separated. There is a brown toning area to the center of the first page. It is matted in blue and framed in gold with a portrait of the President in the center. Such early letters from Roosevelt are scarce, especially letters mentioning the Federal Club. Seller Inventory # 3335

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Title: Theodore Roosevelt Writes To His Future ...
Signed: Signed by Author(s)

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