Autograph letter with place, date and signature.
PASTA, Giuditta [1797-1865]:
From Antiquariat J. Voerster, Stuttgart, BW, Germany
Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since 04 September 2019
From Antiquariat J. Voerster, Stuttgart, BW, Germany
Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since 04 September 2019
About this Item
Hampstead Road, Eton House, 23. Juli [ca. 1830], Oktavo. 1 page. Creases, slightly browned at corners. Verso at the upper margin with remnants of a mounting tape. - Knickfalten, an den Ecken leicht gebräunt. Verso am oberen Rand mit Resten eines Montagebandes. VERY RARE COLLECTOR'S ITEM Letter in Italian to a "Damigella" Rolly thanking her for a lithograph, (translated in Englisch): "I must express to you how grateful I am for the lithograph of which you have been gracious to me. It is very dear to me to have certain proof that I am often present in your thoughts: very flattering to see me the chosen subject for your beautiful work. I do not know by what accident I received your gracious note late here in the country: I beg your pardon for the delay in my reply. I shall soon procure the pleasure of repeating to you verbally all the affectionate sentiments of my distine consideration." Letters from the famous Italian prima donna are extremely rare on the market, no evidence in bookauction records / JAP-Online. - SEHR SELTENES SAMMLEROBJEKT Brief an eine "Damigella" Rolly, der sie für eine Lithographie dankt: "Devo esprimervi quanto vi sia grata per la litografia di cui mi siete stata cortese. È assai caro per me l'avere una prova certa che sono spesso presente al vostro pensiero: assai lusinghevole il vedermi soggetto prescelto per la vostra bella opera. Non so per quale accidente io abbia ricevuto tardi qui alla campagna il vostro grazioso biglietto: vi chiedo scuasa per l'indugio della mia risposta. Mi procurerò presto il piacere di ripetervi a voce tutti gli affettuosi sentimenti della mia distina considerazione." - Briefe der berühmten italienischen Primadonna sind äußerst selten am Markt, kein Nachweis im JAP. Seller Inventory # 28588
Bibliographic Details
Title: Autograph letter with place, date and ...
Binding: Kein Einband
Condition: Gut
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