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"The first area made available in 1904 consisted of that portion of the Rosebud reservation lying entirely within Gregory County and consisting of 2,412 tracts of approximately one hundred sixty acres each._____ The General Land Office at Washington decided to make the land available to qualified persons under a lottery system with registration at four locations -- Bonesteel, Chamberlain, Fairfax, and Yankton -- during an eighteen-day period between 5 July and 23 July._____ A total of 106,308 applications were filed, over half of them at Yankton, where, at one time, nearly seven thousand registered within a single day. /./. Among the parties offering special services to the registrants at Yankton was a company formed at Vermillion by E. Frank Peterson and W.J. Bryant._____At the cost of a dollar, this company offered to inform by prepaid telegram anyone entitled to file for a Rosebud tract, furnishing both the number drawn at Chamberlain and the prospective filing date at the Bonesteel land office." *** Herbert S. Schell; Widening Horizons at the Turn of the Century: The Last Dakota Land Boom; SD Historical Society 1982. _____ ._____"As it turned out, many homesteaders became disillusioned and moved on because of harsh winters, drought, locusts, poor farm land and isolation. _____ What they read and saw in art and photography was not what many experienced when they arrived._____ The Lakota were left with a disaster, a checker-boarded reservation and land issues that still plague them today._____ Most reservations in South Dakota were opened to homesteading, all are checker-boarded within the boundaries with land owned by non-Indians, tribal members, the tribes and much lease and fee land._____ The allotment designation has left many families with such fractionated land ownership that some individuals own only a small portion of an acre.". **** https://newsmaven.io/indiancountrytoday/archive/the-settlement-of-rosebud-klfkvYfohUiHrBfEVaPulA/._____. Seller Inventory # P-02731
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