Falconer Journal. Gage (Matthew J.G.), Editor.

Published by The British Falconers' Club. Norwich, Norfolk. 2007.
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(Paperback, 2007). 2007 1st edition. Large 8vo paperback (184 x 243mm). Pp136. Colour and b/w photographs and illustrations, spine plain. Slight use but very good, second-hand paperback. Contents include: Officers of the Club; Editorial; A word from the President; R.B. Treleaven, MBE - Alastair Henderson; In gos country - Keith Barker; The class of 2000 - Brian Morris; We were falconers, Robert Charles Blockey - Paul Beecroft and Peter Devers; Mexican falconry, a personal view - Bob Dalton; My first Woodhall Spa - Stewart Millar; Merlins, to hack or not to hack? - Bryan Carrick; Lantra Award, beginning falconry - Grant Fergusson; Marston revisted - Sam Rice; At long last, a start in falconry - Ian Bell; The lark in winter - Con Taylor and Grant Haggar; Scottish Region Fieldmeet at Ethie Castle - Andrew Dobson; The gyr whisperer, experiences in trapping a wild gyr - Mark Williams; Renaissance hawk - Dave Warren; Fluffy, the fool and the fox - Geoff Clayton; Lizzie Bennett, an independent lady - Barry Holiday; The story behind the picture - Graham Irving; Harry 1997-2006 - Steve Smith; Maintain The Falconer and the falcon's flight - Phl Myers; The George Edward Lodge Trust - Brian Bird; sport with a 'rehab' - Steve Williams; Stop press - Paul Beecroft and Peter Devers; Reviews; Letters to the editor; Obituaries; Roll of Honorary, Patrons and Life Members of the BFC. . Seller Inventory # 49666

Bibliographic Details

Publisher: The British Falconers' Club. Norwich, Norfolk. 2007.
Binding: Soft cover
Edition: 1st Edition

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